58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 76 - Text: She needs to get out of sex work.. It's not smart.

id: 98 - Text: It seems that she really has to search to find something wrong with stripping it seems as if in her mind stripping is the greatest job ever. I don't know if that's true. If you've ever watched soft white underbelly you know that that's not true. Easy money is very Hypnotizing Wait until her part 2When She becomes a sex worker

id: 136 - Text: this is a wonderful girl. she has never done anything sexually in her life. god bless her and her mommy

id: 258 - Text: People who do not want you to do stripping are the people you should have in your life! Why do these girls pay to work?! Start your own place or something! Please do not get into porn! Stop stripping and trust in Jesus. I wish you would not sell your soul! Hell is really real and this stuff just makes the world a bad place and porn destroys everyone. Please!That Hawaii guy was not a good idea and you are lucky you didn't get sold into sex trafficking! Please! I will pray for you!

id: 268 - Text: Does she offer sex ?

id: 322 - Text: I am telling straight up as a Catholic Altar Boy. She is in the sex "industry" and so are we. Christ is born of the Virgin Mary. We are born from sex. (Until we perfect cloning). Our answer is not in Christ. "NOW you know . . . and knowing is half the battle."

id: 408 - Text: Shes sexy.

id: 435 - Text: I had sex with a stripper once.. 2 things stand out. Rough skin and hair smells of cigarettes. 😕😕😕

id: 440 - Text: Damn she's sexy and I'm a straight married woman..

id: 445 - Text: guys stop going to strip clubs.all stripers are are hookers who are getting payed for services not rendered.think for a sec,why pay for an illusion of sex when u can just pay for sex.stop letting these hypergamous ladies use u because they look good then laugh at u when they are off work.
