31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 41621 - Text: ​ @sciencenotstigma9534 thanks,you're adding details that weren' t in the video. Take the story in its entirety. It doesn' t add up. 4900 calories of alcohol+cirrhosis+anorexia/ bulimia+ 23od's+warrants in different states+3 a-list actors,etc.

id: 41698 - Text: Savanna, thanks for sharing. If you truly want to be your true authentic self and love yourself-truly love, respect and nurture yourself back to health. Getting to the point of addictive free is a process. Getting off of caffeine for years drinking decaf coffee ☕️ could help you get off of drugs. It’s addiction, true! After quitting caffeine, I believe that’s when you can take the road to freedom of drugs. Sleep is so important. There are tons of sleep meditation videos that you can loop for a nights of solid sound repairing rest. 14 years of sleep meditation got me to my goal of finding the best sleep hypnosis. Once you give your mind and body 1/2 the chance, you can fully recover from addiction. You just need determination, a desire to find, nurture and authentically love your true self fully. The body was engineered to fully repair itself. The month I found a free clinical sleep hypnosis online, I decided to wholeheartedly quit my lifelong addictions that started at age 7. His sleep meditations were amazing, and worked like a charm but then I wanted to see if he had a sleep meditation that could possibly help me quit smoking. I only found this 7 hour detox- by Mark Bowden. I didn’t think it would work. But it did, the very first time I played it the whole 7 hours I slept soundly as I was subconsciously absorbing his words as I slept. I woke up calm and confident not even believing this would work at all, whatsoever. I woke up after 7 hours, addicted free! I had no more obsessions with my addiction of smoking cigarettes for 50 years. I had zero withdrawals, zero desire only calm confidence that I’m free of my addictions. I’m clean almost 1 full year. With only two relapses but with both relapses I just listened to his 7 hour detox again. December 12th I’ll be a full year totally clean without any temptation to smoke and I also have had no desire to drink alcohol. Only problem is I gained 40 lbs but that is dropping off slowly. Sugar took over but slowly I’m gaining traction over my food obsessions after quitting; thanks to Mark Bowden’s 7 hour detox. It’s free; share this with me if it helps you quit, too! Keep up the good work in quitting. 11 days is a great start. Take your time and do you! ETA 🌹

id: 41723 - Text: Most of these feature like videos that push an hour get these kind of titles.

id: 41840 - Text: it doesn’t mean they’re not, he calls them beautiful in the videos anyway

id: 41850 - Text: The story and the person is the reason for the video, not the name of the video. he is respectful to the people he Interviews. I don't feel he meant it to be rude or disrespectful in any way, shape or form. Pick and choose your battles, remember what really is important! Have an amazing day!

id: 41851 - Text: It's just a catchy title. He usually does that for longer videos.

id: 41880 - Text: After watching a few of these porn stars videos I don't want to watch porn anymore. The fantasy is gone after being hit with their truths.

id: 41896 - Text: This video is the cure to porn addiction! Any normal guy would get an instant de-boner (flacid state) once he hears this nice girl being abused at age 6 ?!!! Some people are really ñot worth the appelative "human being".

id: 41914 - Text: Dont stop watching porn just get it from places where you know more about whats going on with the girl. Chicks with only fans these days and stuff like that you can find something else. I totally see what your saying though and your thought process is not wrong. They make some porn video games too lol. I haven't seen any great ones but its going to be a option before you know it.

id: 41933 - Text: Thanks, saved me time from watching the video because I ain’t giving up XXX
