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id: 1312914 - Text: I want to address the comment she made about the wayfair containers and it being ridiculous. Actually, it’s not. If you research this. There are huge pedo rings that are trafficking very young children especially from other countries. And people in the highest roles of power in our society are running these operations. They even build orphanages to traffic children and babies. None of those babies and kids ran away from home or have any sort of choice in it. They are literally born into it or kidnapped, used, and killed. Elite “leaders” around the world run these operations. And you would feel sick to know the truth of what’s going on. That being said, she’s right…people tend to focus more on exposing these extreme cases these days and tend to ignore the teen runaways with daddy issues that inadvertently get themselves involved in this kind of thing, due to bad family life, poor self esteem, and all around poor choices. It’s horrible as well, bc sickos out there are preying on these people to get what they want and they know exactly the type to target. But, we should not pretend that the wayfair child trafficking scenarios are a joke. It’s real. I’ve done the research and there are countless testimonies and proof of this. So don’t believe it’s not true. We should be working to help all sex workers, even porn workers…they are also being taken advantage of. Even in Hollywood, fame comes at the cost of prostitution. For me, it’s all horrible, but I have more sympathy for the babies and very young children who have zero choice. The children who get taken into these rings…or born into it. Some families at the top literally have children in order to prostitute them from the time that they are babies. This is true. The more you research it, the more horror you discover. And it should be spoken about, and to say it’s ridiculous and act as if it’s too crazy to be true does not help fix it. Is it just an extremely unfair coincidence that ordinary identical items that were being sold for $20 on one website were being sold for tens of thousands of dollars on wayfair, when the dollar amount on wayfair was the exact coordinates of Epstein island?…and the name of the item to be sold is the name of a missing child? And when you try to find the source company selling these things, you’re led from one dead end to another…shell companies out of China that only lead you on a wild goose chase. You cannot tell me it’s just a coincidence. What sense would it make? Of course fact checkers will say it’s a ridiculous conspiracy, and not give you the full story….but it doesn’t take a genius to do the research on your own and discover the truth. So, my thought is to not disregard one form of abuse in order to make another more valid. Abuse is abuse. All needs to be exposed and unless you are fully informed on the truth of it…you should not say that this is not happening. I implore you to look more into it. The truth is there….it’s becoming harder for these rings to operate only bc they have been exposed. You think wayfair is still selling children after being exposed?…No! All those crazy overpriced items from strange shell companies with obscure dollar amounts are now suddenly and “coincidentally” taken off their website. The A-chrome is also taken off. When we expose the truth it makes it harder for these sick bastards to continue operating like they do. It forces them to find other ways to operate and is becoming increasingly more difficult for them to get away with it, due to the exposure! There are many faces of sex trafficking, some are more sinister and hard to believe than others. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. That being said….I send Kat love and healing so she can release this and begin a new chapter where she is empowered and feels love to the full extent. Most importantly love for herself and forgiveness. May her path from here on be full of love and light.

id: 1313082 - Text: Just remember … when you see a escort ( even watch porn ! ) your supporting this garbage … how evil can people be

id: 1313178 - Text: War, child porn, sex trafficking, Afghanistan with sharia law. On and on etc etc but there is an all powerful god give me a break. We are animals and that is it. If there is a god he can rot in hell. But there isn't. So this will continue, maddening and sick. This world needs to get rid of social media, porn and organized religion. And sterilization seems like a good thing. Get therapy and maybe stay away from men until you are older and kids are raised.

id: 1313864 - Text: #NXIVM PONZIE PIMPS are Also torturing girls COOKED IN SOUS VIDE BOXES Grilled alive while leg is still attatched Chris Brown alias hired torturer for te Sinaloa cartel METH connection for the Hells Angels PHILPARKS backers COVERED UP BY SFPD child rapist traffickers as the city of #sanfrancisco has been covering up child trafficking by SFUnified School Dist for 11 years as well as a trafficking ring based out of Juvie in the Public court system.. TOTAL CORRUPTION and KamalaHarris was the one that said LETS HOPE SHE DOESNT SUE when I heard her taliking to Assist AG Becerra when she was SF AG She wanted to run for senate so she didnt want her cops and truency officers getting thrown in jail for child trafficking... So Now The BOYS of Knights Templar they call themselves w a #KeithRaniere NXIVM as their MANIFESTO Brock said to me SEPT 2017 when they married but my daughter thought she was the girlfriend and her bf just married his 10 yr long lover unbeknownst to her and they INTERNATIONALLY Human Trafficked her on a Marketing Research run to UK London Glasgow so Jacob cld have his wife AND A CASSSH COW Abused totally SUBSERVIENT called PETS: OWNED Girls by Gay Couples that have tortured also girls FORCED TO WATCH TORTURES While being tortured and gang raped w both guys at the same time...gang rape trained w their bf they thought but they were actually lovers for several years to a male who Conspired Against their rights by starving chaos rape emotionally abused beaten all filmed and sold on everything from this to Dark Web Dismembered blk Penis grilled frozen given to me as Sausages... Police refused to get them bc the cops EMT Firemen Jocks of Uof OREGON hAVE been running a Gay Mafia Organized Crime extortion rape credit card theft complete MASTER and Servant Girls forced in Only Fans Porn Jacob Bucher, Brock Wilson Justin Leach Cop Sanchez Child rapist Conspirator against my and my daughters rights for the last 10 years @ francescafennell is totally controlled as well as if I talk to her she has to poke her face w a hypodermic needle from Phil Park EMT Meth smoking beating sociopath as she has had to do hundred times #thisshitishappening @anonymous #anonymous

id: 1313956 - Text: You are so right, Rachel. And sadly there are men who are watching this feeling bad for her. Yet they are the same men who consume porn, Only Fans, go to strip clubs, etc. and think it’s just harmless fun. That’s where many of sex trafficked people end up.

id: 1314835 - Text: PORN=Hypersexualization=exploitation.

id: 1314871 - Text: Why is it that most men are sick? What the hell are we doing that this happens? I truly believe its the porn and the disrespect on the radio, tv, social media , learned behavior, etc. Mothers and Fathers=teach your boys to have respect for females for the Love of GOD. And females- STOP disrespecting your bodies. This woman knows shes been abused and is on Only fans. Stop the insanity! we cannot just sit here and let this continue.

id: 1315019 - Text: I just learned of Mark Laita and his interviews on the Joe Rogan podcast. I decided to view some of the videos. As serendipity would have it, this first video of Kit, was a person who was literally “down the road” from me. I watch most of my movies at a theater in Southgate. I also participate in supporting an organization named “Exodus Cry”. Exodus Cry has been going after the pornography industry and exposing its link to human trafficking. I know that Detroit is a major hub for trafficking so I shouldn’t be surprised that a story so close to home quickly came to light. Exodus Cry helps women and kids coming out of the sex industry by providing support and counseling services. Kit, there is actually hope for you and people ready to stand with you when you’re ready to leave that world. I hope Mark’s video proves to be an avenue to freedom and restoration for you.

id: 1315407 - Text: So many men to this day view women as literal objects to grope and put their dicks in. I believe it comes from porn and film. obviously the issue was there before those things but they made it that much easier to spread the message that we are just here for their pleasure. I believe thousands of men would view women completely differently if it weren't for porn.

id: 1316026 - Text: This is so difficult to listen to and I really hope for the best for her and anyone else affected. I will never support any sex industry because HER STORY is what the industry promotes. I don't care if some people "choose" to become a worker, the fact that the industry even exists and these sickos hire to abuse humans, they are allowed to exploit and capture people and face no consequences. If you consume porn or have ever paid for sex i fully believe you are part of the problem but yall don't wanna face the facts because society these days is trying to brainwash you to think sex work is somehow liberating when it isn't. sex work and human trafficking go hand in hand. Also, her saying if it's daddy issues or what, it is NOT HER FAULT, it is fully 100% the pedophile men's fault. These sick pedos who want to violate children are the ones who should suffer but even the cops don't do anything because they're working with them. I'm livid that anyone has to experience this and that regular people support the human trafficking by watching porn and buying sex too.
