10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 45885 - Text: I know she shared she is in the porn industry, but why capture her still photo in such a vulnerable set up? Naked. In my opinion, it reeks of masochism. I enjoy *some of the raw content, would love to see more humanism. It’s still unclear to me what the content creator(s) vision is with these candid interviews.

id: 45887 - Text: so as a christian i see so many christians judging women in porn (yet they watch porn and still condemn it) and say that they are hellbound, really in my opinion it would be her parents that were in danger. she has a sweet and childlike heart. may the lord bless her completely and may her parents find sanity and redemption and a new life. lord have mercy

id: 45901 - Text: This is why I prefer Japanese porn.

id: 45904 - Text: Luna if you read this please get out of the porn industry. You will only regret it later on. There’s more important things in life besides money.

id: 45908 - Text: She is absolutely beautiful. Her cheekbones are crazy!!! I am so insanely angry that nearly every adult in her childhood failed her. I truly hope she is happy with porn and that she's healing.

id: 45911 - Text: I just wanna cradle her and rock her and sing “Baby Mine”. I’m 24 and have been addicted to watching porn for over ten years. I’ve been praying and trying hard to stop for ever. This helps a bit

id: 45929 - Text: She shouldn’t have got into porn that’s so below her she looks like she should be in films movies and all that

id: 45976 - Text: What's her porn name? 🤔

id: 45977 - Text: Made me cry a bit to be honest, I don't watch porn at all because I have 2 daughters and I can't shake the idea that those girls are somebody's baby's. I do like these types of videos however and not just the adult star interviews but all the different ones with people experiencing their various trials and tribulations because I don't believe in writing people off and harshly judging them by their outward appearances because I have not walked a mile in their shoes. Hearing the story's behind the behaviors helps build a higher sense of empathy in myself towards people living in challenging circumstances. Everybody is extremely precious in the creators eyes I believe and I want no part of adding difficulty to someone living a difficult life already, even if it's something seemingly small like looking at them negatively or turning away.

id: 45978 - Text: What a bunch of bullsh*tters you all are. A porn whore is still a porn whore, doesn't matter how she got there. There are always other choices. And she said herself that she loves doing it, so save your crocodile tears for someone else.
