10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1339134 - Text: Toxic to watch porn ..How about being in it ?

id: 1339283 - Text: Oh - he is against porn. What an idiot.

id: 1339479 - Text: It doesn't think porn is a good thing cos it's not realistic. But it's still OK for it to watch it once a week, but not others who watch it more. And did it start loving itself after the first op? Or was it the 70th?

id: 1339601 - Text: dont watch porn but break ur ribs

id: 1339611 - Text: To say “I wish everyone could love themselves” while undergoing 70 surgeries is sadly an oxymoron. If someone loves themself, they don’t need to undergo 70 surgeries to be happy. He has some good things to say. Especially about porn, although I don’t think porn should ever be viewed.

id: 1339934 - Text: 16:30 “Personally, i don’t watch too much porn myself ‘cause i’m like, i think it’s a little toxic for people to be watchin’ porn ‘cause it’ll really mess your mind up and just ruin your whole perspective o’ life… 31:34 [what type o’ people are attracted to you?] “Porn is such an addiction to some people…it’s just the type o’ people who have already done like…i don’t know what straight people do, but once they’re bored w that they’re ready to move to a trans person or somethin’. Once they’re bored w that, like, trans is already such a big porn industry thin’, but once they’re done w that they’re ready for the next big thin’ which would be like what i am, which is not trans. I’m literally, like, in the middle…i am in the middle, like, both genders….i get those, like, freaky people… 35:44 “I always push against plastic surgery 36:;37 “I’m not, like, for plastic surgery…if you do anythin’ else, just stay away from plastic surgery. It’s the scariest crap e’r… 38:46 [“the gay thin’”] “Some people want to see it, like, on tv shows, or they wanna see it, like, on movies. Or, ‘there’s, like, not enough gay representation…’ I’m, like, it doesn’t need to be e’rywhere. You don’t need to put it in movies. You don’t need to, like, put it e’rywhere Just live your life. Why are you shovin’ this crap down e’ryone’s throat? We all know the normal thin’ is to be straight, like, that’s how you make babies, or whate’r. Like, stop shovelin’ it down e’ryone’s throat…. I would say the same thin’ ‘bout anythin’...if it’s gender, race… Straight people are tryin’ to shove their shit down our throats, too, but it’s like, just let life go on Stop tryin’ to change the world. The world will change w you. It’ll happen eventually. Maybe not in our generation but, as long as you love yourself and are confident, eventually, the world will evolve w you Like, it’s not that serious We’re not gonna change the world in two days… Relax. It’s gonna happen. Maybe not in your generation, but, as long as you can do your thin’ and be confident in yourself, like, it’s gonna happen eventually. …i’m just doin’ me. I just hope people can get to that point, at some point …i’m doin’ my work so hopefully, e’ryone else can do their part and just live their best life

id: 1339982 - Text: Mateo is hurting himself with the surgeries and others with the pornography. When the procedures age there will be complications; he seems to accept that. However, there is no guarantee the images he creates do not translate to a violent act to be perpetrated by a sick individual. You are both too savvy to be blind to that.

id: 1339991 - Text:  @oshen0  thank you for your comment. I have issue with “you are not hurting anyone”. I think that is a false statement. Pornography is created to illicit a response. Mateo is not guaranteed it is the response he or Mark is accounting for. Blame? No. Awareness.

id: 1339995 - Text: @ruthtirado2750  at some point, I think we kind of lose the ability to control what our kids see in this world. BUT, we can definitely teach our kids to be accepting/non judgemental. We can teach our kids to love & to be loved. We can teach our kids that people have rights & the freedom, in this country, to do what they want to do. We can teach our kids values and help develop their moral compasses. We can show them, by example, that just b/c someone acts/thinks/dresses different...that it doesn't have to affect our way of life. The conment that I was questioning was the one that said, "this person's art will lead to someone else committing a crime" Isn't that the same as saying, "that guy assaulted that girl b/c she wore a short skirt. She shouldn't have worn that type of clothing"?! That's f'n absurd to look at it like that! I've seen plenty women in all kinds of different clothing/I've seen didn't make me act out in a violent way. And, if it did...neither of those things would make it excusable. However ~ they have every right to see it like that if that's what they choose to think about it.

id: 1340068 - Text: I absolutely love what he has to say about watching pornography and not expecting your spouse to be unrealistic… I see a good person not a freak
