10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1344471 - Text: Yeah whatever. I jacked off to her free sh#t on PornHub. I don't think this is quite as deep as you'd like it to be. Porn is the epitome of the devine feminine though apparently so at least I don't feel bad. And I'm sure it'll all work out for her as ex adult industry workers are famed for living long happy lives.

id: 1344485 - Text: That's a crazy X rated story before she started porn...most girls get into porn and then have those wild group sex stories or gang bangs, but sounds like she did that casually on her own free time and then oh yeah porn came later.

id: 1344527 - Text: It's not that it's wrong to enjoy sex but there needs to be restraint. The problem is that the barriers are blown sky high & next thing we know she's banging like 10 different guys a week! If you can't see how that's bad for, not only yourself as an individual but for society as a whole then I don't know what to say. There are positive outlets for her hyper sexuality, which, porn is one of them. Unfortunately before the porn, she never got the help that she needed. Perhaps she might not have needed porn or the parties.

id: 1344545 - Text: She was making so much effort to reassert that she is super hot and whatnot, but whoever that has ever seen the contect of this girl's knows that she isn't that great and "disgusting" as she assured, like other girls in onlyfans their content is pretty bored, weak, and disappointed mostly compared with girls from the porn industry.

id: 1344546 - Text: I think the people who bash sex workers, especially the females who enjoy what they do, are the ones watching too much porn and soliciting quite often.

id: 1344548 - Text: Porn star, Prostitute etc. shouldnt allow to have a family!

id: 1344572 - Text: problem with the haters is pure jealousy , don't matter about this young lady's lifestyle ,,its the success shes achieved what people hate , whether shes a pornstar or movie star, dont make any difference, there's always the haters of successful people, and there all just fukced off with there own shitty boring loser lives

id: 1344583 - Text: Yeah, if I saw you walking down the street, my first thought would be "that chick does porn." That being said, will you marry me?

id: 1344584 - Text: she’s just a contributor of the fall of modern men with depression and porn addiction 🤦‍♂️ nothing is ok about that on both ends

id: 1344588 - Text: Admire the honesty and introspectional vulnerability albeit slightly narcissistic at times, but question the perception of self-love, an unconscious acceptance. Despite the financial independence and attention that doing all of this has brought her, from the $200 for sex on the couch to her contracts with professional porn studios, there's a lot going on here, especially the placement of sex, sexual expression and sexual 'freedom' as paramount to all of the other layers or aspects of the human experience. What struck out most was how Kazumi uses a lot of these words throughout the interview, quote 'dirty things' , 'disgusting' , 'depraved', 'twisted', 'slutty' and 'whores'. She wants to share her accomplishments with her parents, as any child would, while also reflecting on being perceived as a 'loser' and why she can't share. I've paid attention to her word choices and descriptions of interactions with her family, her saying that she could never be loved unconditionally by them, more than anything else; More than her choice of outfit, more than her impeccable make-up and hair, more than her beautiful physical self.
