58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 30328 - Text:  @larissaalvidres  and you think none of those things would/could have a higher chance of happening with living with her mother? She started prostituting at 16 which is actually sexual abuse when you think about it. And all those men she has coming in and out….no it would be a HIGHER CHANCE for her child to live safely at a home rather than with her mother.

id: 30345 - Text: Every time I hear that sex work is work I want to puke. This line of "work" is terrible.

id: 30347 - Text: Sex work should be legal & well regulated. The business isn't ever going to just go away & we need to protect those who earn their living this way.

id: 30354 - Text: Just when you think it couldn't get any worse! A pregnant, 19 year old, autistic sex worker. Who has to take medication for her autism, doesn't know anything about raising a child and her family are too busy with the game and the child's father isn't around and she works this job alone?!?!!. My heart is just broken at this point. Massively broken. As all she needs is loving and a loving family and she can't count on anyone. Not even the people who gave her life!

id: 30365 - Text: While I agree, sex work is one of the oldest professions. Sadly. Women have always been used for their bodies. Things like OF seem less of a threat, since the person isn’t in harms way. But walking the streets seems terrifying, but these women have to survive too. Some are given the tools necessary to avoid the line of work, others are born into it, forced into it, or have faced traumatic experiences and that’s all they can do. They know nothing else sometimes. A lot of them make more money than I do in two weeks, in a few days. But what they have to give up for that is what’s heartbreaking.

id: 30490 - Text:  @TimberWulfIsHere  True. For them gworls, having a boyfriend and having sex is more important than pursuing a career.

id: 30506 - Text: Not necessarily, my mom was raped and sex was her thing she loved, I was raped too but it stopped with me I don’t allow my children to be hurt by anyone i don’t limit anyone she’s a survivor it’s inside of her she wants better

id: 30590 - Text: I'm astounded by how compounded her issues are. I couldn't imagine doing sex work whilst being autistic and pregnant. I would imagine keying in on social cues would really help. That's a rough hand to be dealt... And homegirl is from Stockton.

id: 30708 - Text: This "physically attractive" girl is dillusional af.She tricking herself and believing the streets will be better but it wont.How do u expect a guy to have rrspect for u when u dont even respect yr own self?Some people in this world are blind,deaf,dumb,cripple and some even born with diseases and they go out in the world and fight hard and richeous yet these well put together females decide to be a sex slave.🙄and dont tell me bout "its their body,their choice".Where is the morsls,self respect etc?And sadly,some beta simp will prolly wife her thinking she so pretty and he bagged gold😒🤦🏾‍♂️THE STREETS IS RUTHLESS

id: 30717 - Text: So much revealed about men in these videos. I'm wondering if it's true in the reverse. Do women pay for sex too?
