58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 30750 - Text: Why would a woman pay for sex...that's insane

id: 30751 - Text: Yes, women pay for sex. What men can do women do as well. They don't get a pass. Don't put anything past anybody. We're all sinners and yes women do pay for sex but not as often as men. And I am a woman.

id: 30753 - Text: This isn't Pretty Woman. This is real life and johns "propose" to hookers all the time. It's a fantasy. She's a pregnant teenaged prostitute with autism. You really think a mentally stable and financially secure man is going to take her and her baby off to a wonderful life? What this young lady needs is an advocate like a social worker who has access to resources that can help guide her off the street. Get her into housing, counseling, back in school. She doesn't need to be hooked up with some john. She needs parents, a family. Since her real parents failed her her hope lies in social work professionals that concentrate in outreach to sex workers. She's barely an adult, she's in a dangerous situation and she needs real guidance and professional assistance. She doesn't need a marriage proposal from a john she met on the street.

id: 30795 - Text: She NEVER SAID get an abortion. Maybe get on birth control before your job involves sex with multiple men daily. (1,000)

id: 31002 - Text:  @95transammm  there is a difference between a country that supports degeneracy and a country that doesn't and all countries are against this bullshit except the west and especially America who pushes this shit , America is teaching little children about sex and degeneracy, Americans are living like animals, they eat, they sleep and they have sex, yeah Jesus would be very disappointed in you

id: 31010 - Text: seems she had a normal life before being affected by black hiphop thuglife cluture. sex work should be legal, regulated, and the women sterilized as a condition

id: 31011 - Text: I really appreciate you giving a voice to those who are often overlooked and allowing them to honestly tell their stories, and share as much as they want But…I would love to see your videos describe the women who are willing to share their stories as “sex workers” not prostitutes. I watch true crime programs and podcasts and alot of the host have pointed out that using the term prostitute or words like hooker (which I haven’t heard you use) dehumanizes the women. This becomes a big problem when the news/media/ and cops deal with crimes or serial killers who target these women specifically because, in their words, “no one will care about them if they’re gone.” In the past the crimes they reported were ignored, or they often weren’t looked at until the the victims of a killer were too high to ignore. Many times when their crimes were reported by media they focused on the fact that they were “prostitutes” instead of just focusing on the fact that they were simply victims of crimes like any other person in any other line of work could be. Police have even referred to sex workers as “non-human” in police reports when dealing with victims of serial killers in the past. As these videos show they are people who matter to people, who have very tragic pasts and complex stories. These videos show they do matter, they are human beings who have been dealt some rough cards to play this life. This doesn’t mean we should allow society to treat that as they are less than human just because their lives took a different trajectory than ours.

id: 31021 - Text: I used to work on adult cam sites as a Result of having been molested as a child. I had sex for money with 2 men,, only oral. If i had to ever have normal PUSSY or anal for money & the guy would nt have been hella attractive, hella careful with me,, i would have lost it. I considered doing it as a side job but never beside oral, unlike the guy was a 10/10. I ve Rebranded myself i started working as a trauma Healing coach. I never had a pimp, never split my income, hella neah, Beside a coach i occasionally sell stuff online & manifest money. I love the Respect & attention i get now from men. But it's not attention for my sexuality NO more. Almst noone hits on me & i like that.

id: 31028 - Text: So sad. I do wish that Mark would ask more about how they feel about the actual work. I think the men that frequent these women want to believe that the girls are enjoying the sex and being with them. They don’t see themselves as contributing to the suffering and misery of these girls. Shine some truth light on that Mark.

id: 31112 - Text: We are all here as a result of the sex act. Isn't that enough to make us realize that it is a sacred power? Surely above everything else, it MUST be kept out of the marketplace!
