10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 46463 - Text: That is what I told my son when I caught him watching porn when he was young. That the women don't enjoy it that no women they meet is going to want to do any of the things he has seen.

id: 46464 - Text: if we dont watch porn then, this girl would be jobless? so whats your point?

id: 46465 - Text:  @jeanniewarren4643    I think it's good to teach him that many porn actresses are damaged, but the idea that no girl is going to want to do the things he's seen is probably not a healthy way to frame things either, and it's certainly not true.

id: 46466 - Text: To all porn workers... you gotta understand most of men you use for money are actually broken boys in need of love, family and support.

id: 46468 - Text: I’m not sure that’s always the truth. That’s not what she expressed here. She loves her job. It sounds like she feels like the porn industry was good to her. According to her, foster care was the truly traumatic chapter in her life. Maybe the take away here should be that we should listen, not dictate what’s good and bad for people when they are telling us otherwise.

id: 46469 - Text: Im trying to quit watching porn. Its so fucking hard.

id: 46476 - Text: I totally agree with what you just said here, pornography has such a grip on my life and I would NEVER want to be treated like those women do in those vids. Those vids are really pedophilic, rape foreplay, violent, and downright cruel/selfish.

id: 46477 - Text: How can it stop…. Women literally sell it themselves . Many directors of porn are females . Platforms like only fans , etc. Is it bad ? Of course …. But it bothers me that it’s always blamed on men.

id: 46478 - Text: Not only is porn terrible for your own consumption but the industry is ripe with rape, sex trafficking, and abuse. You are not helping anyone by supporting it

id: 46480 - Text: You watched this and "porn bad" is your takeaway? Not rampant abuse of children, the horrific failings of the foster system, not the failings of the education system in terms of catching abuse and protecting abuse, the way victims are made to blame themselves? "Missing the mark" doesn't even come close. Would you tell this woman she's irredeemably broken and/or you know what's best for her going forward, not her? Do you think that's loving and humanizing? Life is ugly and complicated, man.
