58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 31699 - Text: I wish I could tell her that if she gonna do sex work..she should go to the bunny ranch in Nevada instead of being on the least she would make the money she looking safe..and be doing it legal so she didn't have to worry about the police or dangerous street tricking

id: 31704 - Text: Cant Mark show all of these sex workers and addicts videos on childhood trauma by Dr. Gabor Mate?

id: 31725 - Text: Where’re the real men helping her? Real men don’t exploit girls for sex. They take care of them. WTF is going on?

id: 31748 - Text: strong woman. The only thing I'm going to say is it will NEVER be your fault for the sexual assault that happened to you. There's nothing you could ever do that would make it okay for someone to do something to you without your permission. You're never asking for it unless you literally, with your words, ask for it. Sending love <3

id: 31749 - Text: I hope she stops trickin' and gets into a safer form of sex work some day.

id: 31770 - Text:  @billyashworth7393  drinking & driving is completely different in my mind. That choice is something that can harm others. She’s not doing anything that’s harmful by dressing the way she wants to. I will never, ever excuse sexual assault. Women shouldn’t feel any kind of blame about having bodies that men are attracted to. From experience, it doesn’t matter how you dress; if a man is a predator & wants to assault you, he’s going to. Sexual predators need to be held accountable for their actions. Having the mindset that you do creates excuses for them. The Bible even tells us in Matthew 18:9 that if our EYES causes us to sin, then gouge it out & throw it away. It doesn’t say women should dress a certain way or something. It’s telling each person to be accountable for their own actions.

id: 31773 - Text:  @billyashworth7393  saying “having the mindset you do” wasn’t an attack, I said that just referencing your point of view. I do understand what you’re saying but it is tricky as well bc on some small level it is still victim blaming. “Yeah what he did was wrong, BUT YOU shouldn’t of…” I have a consistent mindset lol. Maybe you shouldn’t assume things either. I’m not contradicting anything, & I never said her taking some kind of responsibility for being in bad places is forbidden. I was literally saying in my original comment that she shouldn’t blame herself for a predator’s actions. That’s what it should come down to. That’s the awful crime done. She didn’t hurt anyone. People are lost sometimes & look for love they never had & that’s how they end up in horrible places. Some people can’t just stay home. Like you said, it’s never cut & dry. I understand we don’t live in a utopia, but I’m saying it would be nice if predators were actually held accountable more often for their actions. It’s ridiculous that women have to worry so much about this kind of thing constantly. I’ll never come back & tell a victim that if they didn’t do this or that then it wouldn’t have happened bc that’s not always the case either & that shouldn’t be what a victim is told after enduring something so horrible. There’s plenty of stories where women haven’t been in bad places & awful things like this still happen. Unless a person has gone through something like that, they can’t understand. I know as human nature we often revert to thinking what could’ve been done to prevent something bad from happening but when it’s something as disguising & delicate to the victim as sexual assault I don’t agree that’s what we should be telling those victims. Bc it’s already been done at that point so it doesn’t help, in fact it makes things worse for them, & makes them feel invalidated. I simply want predators to be held more accountable. If it wasn’t her, those same people would be assaulting someone else. That being said they’re the bigger problem in my mind. Not that she wasn’t at home or whatever.

id: 31778 - Text: How about, she just loves having sex without the commitment, and the money that comes with it. She is a functional lunatic that lives in denial and cries about how she is a victim of the poor choices she made. And that therein lies the problem. She acknowledges her own mistakes and STILL continues finding joy in making those same mistakes. Thus the cycle repeats itself. She is crazy.

id: 31810 - Text: It's amazing how we repeat our parents lives. It's tragic that you've chosen sex-money, extreme danger and male flattery in exchange for looking after your two kids. Raising children is extremely difficult but I hope you turn your life around and choose your children over your current life. I hope that is your goal and you choose it today and get the help and support you need outside of turning tricks to do it.

id: 31855 - Text: I thought only fans, cams and the internet changed the world of sex workers. I hope she can find a way to stay safe, maybe rebrand, stay off the streets and move her business to the online environment.
