31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 43965 - Text: 💜hi Mark! She needs lots of Love. And Like!. We all do . I believe liking another person is way different than,, I guess I'll say this, ok. "Bless your steps on this Earth" ,might clarify what I'm trying to share here . I'm Spiritual, not religious. Seriously though, We are ALLL ( including this beautiful planet we live on for a time), Vulnerable Here! I hope others pain and sufferings are minable. There's too much suffering!!!. (I cried when she cried). Thank you Mark for this video. And, thank you for You!😘

id: 43971 - Text: I was gonna make jokes sayin "this is a weird way to start a porno.. very awkward casting video" but then this shit got maaaddd deep bro u can hear the shakeyness in her voice..u can hear the pain she hides.. it's tragic..

id: 44001 - Text: Anyone know her porn name so I can watch her videos ?

id: 44003 - Text: I want to give this lady a hug so bad. I hope she reads the comments and acknowledges so much of the good of the people that watch this video and pick up on her story and have good things to say. we are looking out for your spirit my lady. you're in the right place. come walk with us

id: 44110 - Text: Wow. Just Wow. That’s somebody’s daughter or sister or Mother on the screen or stage. Never honestly gave it a second thought. But after these videos I’m completely embarrassed to have even watched. My girl and I have decided not to watch any longer. Done.

id: 44134 - Text: Well she breaks my heart. So easy to judge when you don't have to see them as a person. I love the voice these videos give people

id: 44146 - Text: does she have a 'last name'...? i couldn't find her videos online...

id: 44162 - Text: Everyone watching this video is going to die at some point and each of you will answer to God for every idle word spoken, deed done by your hands and the motivation behind it. Now, the evidence for this is that even if you say you don't believe me, your conscience bears witness that I speak the truth and you know there is a creator to whom you will answer to one day. Are you ready? Your "good actions" you rely on are detestable to God, lest you try to negotiate your way into Heaven. Only by grace and through faith shall you receive salvation. Seek Christ while you still can, only He can forgive your sins. Repent and be born again, of water and the Holy Spirit. I say this without judgement and in absolute love when I tell you that Jesus is the light of the world, in Him there is no darkness...

id: 44175 - Text: Really? I think these videos would deter people from watching porn or soliciting prostitutes.

id: 44178 - Text:  @CR-wk2re  so you are claiming that before these videos, everyone believed that degenerate pron stars and hookers had great lives and upbringing?
