58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 32515 - Text: I may be naive but what does a man get out of wearing a condom for a b**** or sex and he can choose one woman and have better pleasure makes no sense.

id: 32550 - Text: What an inspirational beautiful sexy woman. I am so glad she didn’t die, she is a good person so i want the best for her. It’s the evil people heartless waste of SPACE of shitheads , i wish they died. 😂😂❤❤

id: 32657 - Text: You should not be having sex with multiple people when you're pregnant. Let the father provide. You deserve way better than this. How can such a beautiful girl like you end up like this? You are too beautiful to turn out like this. Too beautiful.

id: 32682 - Text: It's so sad for these lost woman say its addicting the life style and money ! ? But they dont seem to care about the future and the children they produce , I'm so blessed that i told my daughter the truth of life sex drugs and men . I let her know if you dont stay in school and use your brain , you may have to depend on a dude or your Looks But looks are temp !! , TY Jesus she took my advice and went to college got a Nursing degree and now She needs NO fucking dude !! she is my pride and joy !!! :)

id: 32740 - Text: There's not one sex worker on here that's doesn't look dead inside

id: 32760 - Text: Does she have brothers who are doing ok? Maybe she can live with a brother and get mental health care, get her GED and vocational help. She likes that her boyfriend is a gang banger. That's not a good sign. I hope she gets help and clarity. The longer she does sex work, the less chance there is for her to change her life for the better. She also puts a lot of weight on her looks. She won't have them in a while. What will she do? I so hope she gets help soon and changes her life. She's been through trauma and extreme loss. She's still young. It will be an uphill battle, but she can improve her life. She needs support, though. But she needs to choose to get help. I wish the best for her. She carries a lot of pain.

id: 32762 - Text: Don't judge people u are not God nobody is perfect stay humble being a homeless prostitute could happen to any of us your mom,sister,daughter,son ,neice never laugh at people or judge people because this could be any of us u don't know the situation and what people been though or have to go through . 🙏 prayers 🙏😇 to all the homeless, drug addicts, victims sex trafficking victims,abused,raped kids, teenagers,the wemen the boys I understand it's hard struggling I struggle everyday life is difficult I hope they get out by some gift from god miracle before getting killed by some evil perpetrators pervert monster's rapist. Amen 🙏😇❤️ sending prayers 🙏 and love

id: 32812 - Text: This lady is a lie. She told me even he “bought my story” she tries to make people feel bad too get her way. She sex traffic time and when I wasn’t trying to do it I was set up my car was stolen by her “boyfriend” that she would tell what to do. I gave her my keys because I was being chased by her friends gave her my keys for my protection and b4 I knew the truth. She then made him take it and while she is I get beat up and kidnapped where I was sexually assaulted for 3 hours and put to work. I lost everything i owned ! Bc of her ! And her partners she not even a real 304 !! She plays dirty. She’s a bully. It was so scary and got left with nothing not even clothes on my back ! This makes me so mad bc she crying but doesn’t realized what she did to me. Flash backs of what happen. Can’t go I’m small places. Can’t be touched. Can’t look at me naked. The man she talking about is terrible and she wants to be a mom so bad she tried to mom me and keep me

id: 32861 - Text: I don’t judge nobody, do what you want but I just be wondering how they able to have sex with these men. Like how sis, I know they not all attractive or young.

id: 32909 - Text: What she had to say at the end made me very sad. While she repeatedly mentions how the sex work makes her feel like "she's on top of the world", there's evident self resentment undertoning everything she says. I wish someone could tell her that everything that happens to you is not your fault. Unfortunately we aren't all born with the same opportunities. I mean this entire channel is proof of that. A lot of the people spotlighted here have lived through horrible childhoods that never gave them the chance to thrive. And no one deserves to be assaulted because of how they were dressed/where she was/how high she was/etc. I hope she's able to forgive herself. Wishing her nothing but healing.
