58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 32948 - Text: Even with thousands of women selling themselves for fun we still have girls abductions and sex slaves. So much for sorority vs monsterhood.

id: 33025 - Text: This "I had a great childhood" theme comes up a lot with sex workers and then sometimes deeper in the interview you find out the not-so-great things. You can guess here what might have happened to her that she might be dissociated from. It's sad. She's lost so much so young and her goals are not clear even to her.

id: 33125 - Text: This (non) pimp of hers seems to have pulled the ultimate Jedi mind trick on her. Lol “he’s not my pimp but I do give him all of the money I make by having sex with strangers that approach me on Figueroa.” Wake up, ma’am. If you wanna get your kids back, you damn well know this isn’t the way. You’re not stupid, but you’re sure giving an Oscar-worthy performance of a stupid person.

id: 33154 - Text:  @NateThaGreat187  She is working, catering to the wants and needs of random sex-starved males. The pimp is not contributing anything useful.

id: 33156 - Text:  @NateThaGreat187  She is working. Sex workers are working. It needs to be legalized and the pimps removed from the equation.

id: 33227 - Text:  @manikyum  I don’t understand I have friends that are dancers in nj who make 200k a year no pimp no sex it’s not even allowed in the bars you will get fired so I’m not understanding why she do what she does

id: 33260 - Text: When turning tricks in cars reinforces your ego, instead of detracts, you’ve reached delusions of epic proportions. It’s a good thing, I guess, bc she wears that mindset as armor. Without, she’d have to face reality. Just because men desire you, doesn’t mean they value you. I’ll be damned if my daughter finds her worth in sexual acts. This channel has taught me so much in how I hope my future daughter never feels, & I want to parent.

id: 33313 - Text: I'm not trying to be judgmental, but there's clearly a ton of her story she isn't sharing. She claims she didn't start using drugs or being a sex worker until after CPS took her kids. So then what caused it? In this country, states don't come in and take away kids from their mother for no reason. It's why we have so many programs to help. So she was clearly living SOME kind of negative lifestyle before that happened

id: 33365 - Text: If u really are her friend help her get away from this dangerous lifestyle before she gets murdered by some evil pervert monster sex offender picks her up

id: 33384 - Text:  @happydays2183  nobody deserves that dangerous lifestyle used up by perverts men could end up raped by evil men pimp out , kidnapped,beat up or killed maybe she wasn't giving a chance to change nobody to help her everyone like u assuming and judging her being judgmental if she had right help sure she would change get help everyone needs help sometimes but has nobody to help them all the interviews 99.99 all these ladies sad depressed wanting out this dangerous lifestyle being a prostitute don't recommend it for anyone else nobody wakes up one day wanting to be a prostitute hardships struggling in life had crappy life they were dealt brought them here they were sexual abused or raped are usually the ones go into this lifestyle ones difficult life no choice or ones forced into it sold by people trusted or kidnapped into it or tricked into it by a boyfriend or someone trusted then threatened,beat up and raped the girls tricked just wanted be loved with low self esteem not any ladies fault they are the victims they are valuable,strong resilient been though allot terrible tramatic bad stuff already we should be taking care helping these ladies they could any of us we all fall through hard difficult times let us humble ourselves this could be your sister, daughter,aunt,mom ,cousin so let's not 🚫 be judgmental to them only God 🙏😇 can judge us if more people cared about prostitute or homeless and helped them instead of pointing ☝️out fingers and judging them with judgment the world 🌎 would be a better place to live in.
