58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 33554 - Text: Sad. Somebody must have sexually abused her as a kid if she thinks this job suits her personality. I get the freedom aspect except you have a pimp so not really good boss. There was probably not enough parenting received for Cheyenne so that’s not going to bode well for her own kids. It’s sad bc she’s looking for love instead of working on herself and self love. She seems to blame herself and have shame for her kids. And then mentally protects herself. I just don’t think the situation with your folks is healthy. Sounds fucked. Quit the job for your kids. Kids need role models and this ain’t it. 💗

id: 33570 - Text: Her pimp is not protecting her. They are not there when she gets into a car with a stranger so what is he doing except exploiting her and taking her money? This interview is really upsetting. She wants to go back to school but is pregnant again and having sex with strangers while she is pregnant...are you kidding me??? What about AIDS? What about protecting the fetus from germs of men who are screwing other people? This is disgraceful. When she used to the word "ho" to describe herself, the slang word used in the bottom of the barrel street whores...this is what she aspires to be? I'd rather work in CVS and make minimum wage and have my own apartment than have a room. I am sorry for her past but she is starting the cycle all over again. She needs serious counseling.

id: 33584 - Text: She clings to a fantasy about a perfect childhood… yet she started sex work at age 16.

id: 33585 - Text: She says she had a great childhood, but then mentioned she had sex for money at 16. Also missed out the reason why her kids were taken.

id: 33598 - Text: Disgusted with You Tube demonetizing these videos. As I've mentioned in a previous comment I have completely stopped going to strip clubs. I tried to go after watching your interviews with sex workers and every time I did go I was miserable. I no longer enjoyed it. The women are real people with real lives. I wish Cheyenne the best and that she stays safe. Sorry to hear she lost her kids. Heartbreaking story.

id: 33638 - Text: I don't understand her rationale , how to avoid losing the next baby when you are admitting on camara that you are sex worker and the baby's father is a drug dealer?

id: 33656 - Text: That last bit was kind of alarming for me. The advice was solid up until she was talking about she’d “never blame someone else” and “it was my choice to walk around naked….” I really hope she knows, and understands that dressing sexy, or being drunk is NOT an excuse for someone to violate you. Sometimes it “is what it is” and the choices you make afterwards “… are what you make of it” but her working in that environment and dressing the way she does still doesn’t warrant rape and abuse. Idk. I wanted to listen with an open mind and without judgement but there were some things that just didn’t sit with me. Like her use of the N word.and the weirdness around her miscarriage. Not invalidating her experiences or dismissing her feelings in anyway, just didn’t really feel like this was entirely genuine at times. She clearly has a lot of trauma, and I do hope she can get help and have the kind of life she desires.

id: 33705 - Text: The more I look at these videos, the more I think the majority of women CHOOSE to do this work and its not any trauma or is forced to do it.....they mostly choose this freely. Like this woman, they say its the sexual power and money. Most, like her admit they had a great childhood. Really nobody to blame but themselves yet we all want to enable this behavior and force trauma on people who had little. Honestly I've been to countries where there is REAL trauma, I mean unspeakable acts committed against people and most seem to fight out of it, but here in the US.....if somebody father yelled at them they said it "made me a prostitute" or whatever. Americans have lost their strength and resilience.

id: 33780 - Text:  @tosehoed123  You can definitely struggle with demonetization for explicit or controversial language and skimpy clothes, but it's usually totally doable and depends on the context. I think what happened here is that they're being marked as AGE RESTRICTED specifically, like they limit it to profiles registered as adults. And when videos or channels get age restricted, it also keeps those videos from being pushed nearly as much in people's suggestions and the algorithm. So it's deeper than just individual demonetization. Age-restriction is like the worst thing that YouTube can start classifying a channel's content as, because the effects of that go beyond just demonetization. I think in this case, it's the dark nature of these real life experiences including thing like violence, abuse, addiction, and sex work and not just because of some vulgar language or skimpy outfits. It's the seriousness and traumatic nature of the subject matter. Thankfully, he started a Patreon and I am sure he'll be earning more than enough from that.

id: 33808 - Text: So sexy. Where does she work?
