31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 45549 - Text: This is by far the best video ever.

id: 45555 - Text: This video started with me feeling so bad for her when she was talking about her childhood, to me feeling so happy for her after seeing how she has succeeded and is happy herself. Great video!

id: 45569 - Text: she smiles and giggles throughout the video telling her stories, that shook me. This girl has gone through a lot, I pray for her.

id: 45602 - Text: She is barely a pornstar.she may do a scene here and there....but she ain't no "upper crust" pornstar.....I never heard of her.and I've been in the business for 20 yrs. Clickbait video!

id: 45678 - Text: i see a lot of comments here praising this woman you'd think she was Mother Theresa! i understand she was mistreated as a child but there is probably thousands of kids who were also mistreated and didn't end up doing porn and/or alcohol/drugs. She also doesn't seem to dislike being a porn star, she seems to really enjoy it. This is exactly what is wrong with this world, we live in a world where we celebrate last place with an award, we roll a red carpet for mediocre effort, we encourage obesity and praise this type of stuff. The message that I see in this video is her telling other girls that's it's ok because you can always turn to porn! she could've said, "if i had it any other way i would've never been a porn star" or "i don't recommend any girl to pursue this career". People in North America especially really need to travel to other countries to see how the other 90% of live. i've seen orphan toddlers working hard all day shinning shoes, picking up garbage, THAT IS HEROIC! that breaks my heart!

id: 45782 - Text: the message i got from this video is, "don't worry girls, if life ever goes rough just turn to porn and sell your body"! this is exactly what's wrong with this world today, we celebrate last place with a better award than first place, we roll out a red carpet for mediocre effort, we encourage obesity, we praise the stupidest things! there is literally thousands of children that i have PERSONALLY seen backpacking to third world countries, orphans working in the streets picking up garbage, shinning shoes, begging for money and I bet a lot of them didn't turn to porn! why are you guys treating this woman as if she is some sort of Mother Theresa? i understand she had a rough childhood but so did so many ppl and porn wasn't the answer and if it was well so be it. But to treat this woman like as she is was some war hero ... it just shows how low we've sunk as humanity! i was beaten as a kid, i saw my dad beat my mom daily, my dad was alcoholic .... I NEVER turned to alcohol, i made a living and didn't turn to being a thief! this isn't inspiring, it's the opposite

id: 45799 - Text: I'm a man watching this video but I can feel the pain that she has been through in her life. I have two beautiful girls and couldn't fathom even raising my voice at them. I'll keep her in my prayers.

id: 45847 - Text: What a beautiful channel I just discovered! This is the third video I have seen and I love the interviewer as much as the people he interviews and the overall mood. Thank you for... All this

id: 45972 - Text: Sorry Mark, I'm a newbee on your channel but so far have enjoyed all the videos I watched. However I don't understand why in the black and white display you did of her, she was portrayed partially naked? She was wearing jeans and top during the interview, why making remove her clothes? I didn't appreciate that. It's not needed.

id: 45977 - Text: Made me cry a bit to be honest, I don't watch porn at all because I have 2 daughters and I can't shake the idea that those girls are somebody's baby's. I do like these types of videos however and not just the adult star interviews but all the different ones with people experiencing their various trials and tribulations because I don't believe in writing people off and harshly judging them by their outward appearances because I have not walked a mile in their shoes. Hearing the story's behind the behaviors helps build a higher sense of empathy in myself towards people living in challenging circumstances. Everybody is extremely precious in the creators eyes I believe and I want no part of adding difficulty to someone living a difficult life already, even if it's something seemingly small like looking at them negatively or turning away.
