31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 46009 - Text: After watching some of these videos and hearing their life and childhood it reaffirms my belief and dedication to never watch porn again? Bless her soul.

id: 46013 - Text: Your videos show us the real reasons why people do the things they do. It’s so sad to see how our childhoods follow us

id: 46075 - Text: Have been thinking if I should or shouldn't hit the like button on this video.

id: 46080 - Text: Having a hard time understanding why you would photograph her nude after all the exploitation she endured. These videos have been so enlightening but not this one.

id: 46174 - Text: Where can I find her porn videos?

id: 46218 - Text: I would love to meet her parents. WTF is wrong with this world what is wrong with people. This is heartbreaking. Mark. If I can help in anyway please let me know. These are heartbreaking I lost my son. The love of my life I never gave up hope. The treatment centers prayed on these kids 4 different treatment center owners were arrested 1 got 10 years the other brother got 24 yrs 2 are waiting for sentencing and 3 are awaiting trail. My son left videos voice messages and a paper trail, I found but it was to late, I wanted to give up, but I found a letter from my Joey and it said Mom if your finding this it didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to I am sorry and Thank you for never giving up. Now stop crying and go help another child and I did. I wish I found some kind of gratification with these owners arrest but I find nothing. I miss my son he was amazing he was a football player arm wrestler and had the world in his hands. I found him when I went to wake Joey up July 9th 2019 at 2:38 pm All for greed. Sending all. Of these people prayers

id: 46283 - Text: On this same channel a male performer said a gay male with hiv was doing videos with girls and one girl said she wouldn’t work with this guy, she was shamed on social media by porn workers and porn users and commuted suicide. So much for your protections in the porn industry. He also brought to light some of the limitations in porn being set by MasterCard and visa; if it weren’t for that ....

id: 46316 - Text: She started to cry when talking about being put in a group home because she was supposedly "not a good girl". This after having been essentially passed around from one abusing 'family' to another. And taking the abuse and molestation. I find it so hard to comprehend that people can do these things to other people. It's a recurring theme in these videos (or the ones I've seen so far): some people do horrible things to other people. And they get away with it. And some of their victims start to abuse and molest as well, because on some level they don't know any better. For Luna, it seems to have turned out alright. She has a kid, a loving AND understanding husband, she's trying to finish school and seems determined to not dwell on the past, knowing what happened can't be changed. The only change lies in the future. It would be interesting to see her again, I think.

id: 46422 - Text: when i was a kid, i remember pitching a fit when i didn't get a certain video game console for having good grades. i didn't realize that having 2 loving parents, a house, dog, siblings wasn't blessings enough. hit me like a ton of bricks when she started to sob at the 4 minute mark

id: 46493 - Text:  @noellealdea2563  you are watching the wrong porn then lmao...most videos are exactly how I'd wanna be treated as a woman
