58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 34535 - Text: She's right tho cps won't let her keep the child with that sort of environment with a pimp and her on the street, tricks are her clients she has sexual encounters with...

id: 34586 - Text:  @capricorn0103  Rebelling, of course is normal. But Leaving a secure, stable home and family for life on the streets and forced sex with strange gross men? No.

id: 34627 - Text: There seems to always be a moment in these when it clicks why they are where they are. She can’t get past losing her kids. The drugs, the sex, the money, the life…it’s all a cover up for the pain and the shame of losing her children 😭 praying she finds peace and life to the fullest.

id: 34641 - Text: ​ @JennidavismakeupHouston  If that is what a person actually wears, and Mark is trying to present their story truthfully, wouldn't it be insulting and puritanical of Mark to ask them to cover up? What would he be protecting, the viewers from seeing the reality of the sex trade? Hopefully, a viewer will look past the subject's looks to see the person inside and the struggles they're dealing with. I think it actually forces one to look past prostitutes as just sex objects or criminals. No one is immune from finding these women attractive or objectifying them like the johns—anyone could be one car ride away from visiting a Skid Row, when you think about it. But this channel confronts you not with fantasies but real people and the frequently awful circumstances that led them down this dangerous path.

id: 34668 - Text:  @GG-qv1ny  I thought about that possibility. Is he like "slip into something for your photo that represents you..." But it seems it's only the sex workers that so this.

id: 34673 - Text: The irony is she'd probably still have her kids if not for the vices of drugs and sex work.

id: 34733 - Text: I can't imagine being so jaded that she can't see that the life she's living is the one thing that guarantees her to never see her kids again. Having unprotected sex and getting pregnant by someone who gangbangs and has you fooled into giving them all your money is probably not the best idea either.. Believing that being with countless men doesn't have an affect her unborn child is just her choosing to be in denial. Sadly, I used feel the same way about getting a "real job", and I realized that the structure that a job like that requires, is exactly the structure that I needed in order to live support myself and to actually progress in life. Oddly, when I thought that way, I worked everyday too, thinking that I couldn't work a normal job, yet making less money at the end of the day..

id: 34800 - Text: So many men out there who think Oh she smiled at me she said thank you to me that does not mean that she wants to have sex with you or she thinks you’re attractive she’s just being a regular human being just like your sex would

id: 34803 - Text: It's so incredibly shortsighted and ham-fisted of YouTube to prevent you from monetizing your videos about sex workers. This is not objectification. You are giving a voice to people who most of society ignores and dismisses. I greatly respect your decision to keep posting these videos anyway, because they're important, and in spite of not recouping the costs of making them. Keep up the great work, Mark.

id: 34813 - Text: Here's what I've gathered by listening to these girls talk: they religiously wear rubbers with all the men they hook. That's practically a requirement of the trade to prevent them from getting STDs. They differentiate "hooker sex" (with rubber) from "pimp sex" (without rubber). All these pimps have sex with the girls they collect money from. Wearing/not wearing a rubber is how they differentiate working sex from voluntary emotional partner sex.
