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id: 35826 - Text: I admire her humility. A lot of people with the kind of background she had wind up on substances and in the sex business. Compelling story and believable. And while I wasn't endowed with her beauty, lol! -- I related to a lot of what she said. Compelling story. I'm tuning into part 2.

id: 35847 - Text: Why do you continually sexualize her? Your chauvinistic side was pouring out all over this one. Would you have drooled all over a male interviewee like this and made comments about how their looks?? You lost your credibility here and I'll be unsubscribing to your channel. Just disgusting.

id: 35850 - Text: She has zero sex appeal. I don’t find her attractive.

id: 35866 - Text: Have only watched one of his vids, but I would say that as a woman who has suffered sexual harassment and abuse from men who you think you can trust, if any woman’s voice on here feels as though this guy is a creeper or not who is espouses himself to be, he probably is just that. Women can be the cruelest judges of other women when another woman calls out a man for how he makes her feel. If you’ve ever gone through anything demoralizing at the hands of a man, even if it just feels off to you, you are allowed to think and say how you feel, leave the vicinity, but don’t let other people tell you that you’re wrong. I am over 70, and used to be a truly beautiful woman. I also went through so much more of this kind of shit than any of my sisters. Some women never even tell family, so who knows, but beauty encourages dirtbag guys to say and do things to woman that they’ve only ever fantasized about talking to. A good, well rounded man who is secure sexually, and doesn’t feel less than when speaking to an attractive woman is a rare find. They are out there, though. My point is, ignore the naysayers, and listen to your gut. Small example: look at that tool from that seventies show. Absolutely disgusting excuse for a human, and one I would think would have never had a chance to even be in the same room as some of the women he debased so gleefully. Listen to your gut ladies. Last, I’m off to never finish this video after reading some of the comments. Please, don’t subscribe to the kind of self indulgence which is making guys like this legends in their own minds.

id: 35876 - Text: You need to listen to what you're saying listen to what you are saying listen very closely listen to this video back and listen to what you're saying you don't know why you attract these type of people are you kidding me do you want to touch fire do you want to do sex work you want to you don't understand why you want to be objectified by men you don't know none of this stuff that is the devil bro that is not you as a little girl do you think this is what you thought you would grow up to be as a little girl know every little girl dreams of being a princess or are you know a Barbie or this or that in another they don't dream to grow up to live this type of life

id: 35879 - Text: you’re so creepy. why are you sexualizing and flirting with her?

id: 35897 - Text: Back when i was 20 i dated a girl who had a similar personality to Savannah. I was an introverted loner and she was extroverted and skittish. She was several tears older than me, She was hyper sexualised and very attractive and got a lot of male attention for the wrong reasons... I later found out after she opened up to me the reasons for this. She had been abused physically, psychologically and sexually by her Dad then he abandoned her, she had later been in abusive relationships and been gang raped multiple times. Her family was all messed up in one way or another 2 of her brothers were in prison, 1 was schizophrenic and her sister was a sex worker. They all had the same abuse. She wasn't an addict (that I'm aware of) but definitely had BPD. We had some good times together but at the time her personality was too overwhelming for me at the time and she wanted commitment and I didn't. I then did something i massively regret. One morning I woke up to a suicide note via text from her, after going into shock I contacted the police, where they found her, thankfully she was still slive but had taken a bunch of pills and alcohol. I think at that stage it was more of a cry for help. She was sectioned in a mental hospital and I called her up on the phone and ended it, I was very nonchalant and cold and I regret the way I did it.. To this day 11 years later i still think about her and hope she is OK, she has a social media profile but it doesn't look like it's been updated in several years...

id: 35943 - Text: Mark, serious question, how often do you have sex with these girls? I’ve heard plenty of stories about you, about how you’re not one to turn down “favors” from these women. Were you born this sleazy? Did you just become this way over time? I’ve met your type before Mark. You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If there’s a God, and I believe there is, you’ll have to answer for all this some day. Judging by the comments, people are picking up exactly what i’m talking about, the audience is beginning to see through you…

id: 36002 - Text: Unbelievable! Right out if the gate, why would those abusive parents provide her with a cell phone and her supportive father is fine with her doing sex work.

id: 36033 - Text: But their connection they had was worth the money...right....she said they just talked and it wasn't about sex
