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id: 2790 - Text:  @Peterrdee  think like a human and not a moron..... U think we are cyborgs or programmed dolls with just mechanical bodies... Which can be subjected to every type of drilling..... Nope.... It's not just the body... It's the emotions... Psychology and energy stuff associated.... When u subject yourself to such overwhelming physical and emotional and energetic experiences 24/7 ... U think everything would be just fine.... U would be a wreck after few days... Look up some of the stories of pornstar... What they go through.... Sex is not free... It is act to be done very conciously and promiscuity and treating yourself like that will make it hell for u

id: 2792 - Text: peter dee demonic because porn is sex trafficking and most porn stars state that porn takes a lot out of you emotionally.

id: 2816 - Text: Safe or not, I think that sex work will eventually chew you up and spit you out.

id: 2817 - Text: Kenneth Southard it depends on the individual.But,that dream of the vip sex worker who owns a big apartment and luxury things and is happy w the job is not always true.In fact,not even the majority.Being an independent sex worker is much different than working in a brothel or in the streets as a prostitute.But some people do sw and are fine with it.

id: 2831 - Text: Jane Mills I highly doubt she’s going to dance her whole life. I have 3 family members who danced, including my mom, plus 2 friends. All of them did it to pay for college, rent, car, some had kids also to support. They all ended up in great careers they loved, all have tattoos (including my mom). Honestly I would have done it myself but have scars on a large amount of my body. Unfortunately, having boiling water thrown on you doesn’t look sexy like tattoos do.

id: 2835 - Text: Sara Ford Discrimination is based on your race, religion, handicap or sexual orientation. Being denied a job for having tattoos is not discrimination under American laws.

id: 2842 - Text:  @chicnoir29  And they still do it?? So gross and degrading and looks really painful, not sexy at all.

id: 2854 - Text: Porn is a very dangerous lifestyle that nobody will warn you about. You WILL get stds. These sexually transmitted infections will seriously fuck with your health down the road. Certain strains of HPV cause CANCER! I've done a lot of research on this subject, I know what I'm talking about. If you want to make big money as a sex worker AND stay healthy the only way to do it is to work in a legal brothel where condoms are ALWAYS used. Even then you are taking a chance because condoms can break. I've heard girls can make 250k a year. You work 3 or 4 years save as much as you can and put it all in income producing real estate (apartments are best ) and retire at 25 never having to work again. Not very many girls are smart enough to do this but some are.

id: 2859 - Text:  @jeromelove1284  Yep, that's what we call it where I am. Actually, business, when it's street prostitutes. The prostitutes ask men who obviously want to pay for sex if they're looking for business, and men, approaching women they suspect are on the game, ask if the woman is looking to sell business. But that's exactly what I mean. Sure there's some women who have done a lot of porn for next to no money, and women that have stripped once and made more in a night than most make in a year, but I think across the whole playing field, the porn stars probably get a better deal in terms of money for acts performed.

id: 2930 - Text: Revelation 21:8  "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
