10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 47873 - Text: Those porn director are making huge money from those broken home victims. Please stop watching porn or support this evil industry.

id: 47882 - Text: "1 years old" ..and sexually abused when young. Damaged goods. The typical porn star past.i cant seem to find any of her work...

id: 47967 - Text: There’s one element that rings out loud and clear most of these individuals on drugs or prostitution or porn star were molested young age

id: 47974 - Text: I've never seen a single person that doesn't look trashy that does porn ..why don't good looking people do porn ? Oh that's right they value themselves way more

id: 47983 - Text: I feel so bad for her. This isn't her fault. She didn't do anything to deserve this. I hope she finds justice and relief from her pain and suffering. I wonder how many porn stars have a similar upbringing...the majority, maybe?

id: 47987 - Text: Does watching porn destroy or ruin the sex life of a married man? He does it while those girls are on his mind! Maybe he loses his lust to her!!!

id: 48013 - Text: This girl is SUCH a sweetheart, i feel bad for her childhood, but she seems like a decently, well adjusted person. Her personality is so welcoming and sweet, i hope shes doing well. other than her doing porn, shes freakin perfect.

id: 48014 - Text: Ohhh Marrk!!!!! Having three daughters myself, and I believe you have a couple as well, I want to scoop her up and just give her some reprieve from her so sooo much trauma she endured. Such a sweet, bright, caring, and just loving girl. She reminds me ABSOLUTELY 💯 of a younger Michelle Pfeiffer!!!! ((… just without all that porn 🥴🙈🙈 but I do appreciate her openness ☺️))

id: 48035 - Text: I've worked with many porn stars. they all have major issues and are not very happy behind the scenes

id: 48053 - Text: Every industry takes advantage of people from broken homes. But somehow only the porn industry gets critisized. Also yeah there are porn actresses who dont like their job. Guess what there are millions and millions of people who dont like their 9-5s as well.
