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id: 36457 - Text: BPD has become such a sexist trope that it needs to be renamed emotional processing disorder and recategorized under cPTSD or under the PTSD umbrella.

id: 36569 - Text: As someone who works with bpd, this comment doesn’t sit right to me. A lot of research shows a massive correlation between adverse childhood experiences (trauma et (and later diagnosis of BPD (which many MH professionals believe is really just CPTSD, women get labelled as having BPD a lot, a label very hard to shake once given). Please do not generalise based on your experiences, sometimes people exaggerate, yes, but all people do that, not just mentally unwell individuals, additionally if even half of what they say is true, that’s bad enough. I know it probably wasn’t your intention but this diagnosis is perpetually and prematurely judged, childhood trauma means parts of the brain responsible for rational thinking emotional regulation etc are not stimulated, often leaving them in a state of constant stress which is detrimental for the brain, people learn what actions give them care that they seek, be that outburst, sexual promiscuity etc. just be mindful, because many people reading that comment may be diagnosed with BPD and feel further shame from their diagnosis.

id: 36606 - Text: So she moves to LA on a whim. Meets random man at airport immediately after landing before she even sees the city…... “Yeah I lived in his house. It didn’t last long. I was there for like 2 months or something.” Talked like he was an instant creep. Then…”I just moved out one day. He was into some weird sexual kinks.” Wow.. Yet she couldn’t stand him the second he approached her?? But, she lived with him and fucked him for 2 months before she just got bored?

id: 36644 - Text: "I started dating a heroin addict who was homeless...I thought it was kind of sexy." Yeah, not a dream girl. This girl is basically pretty white trash. There's nothing to learn from this story except stay away from hard drugs and alcohol.

id: 36651 - Text: Sooo... She's just an average entitled white girl? Dime a dozen. Sex addict, drug addict, hopping from guy to guy, bipolar and beauty obsessed. Yawn.

id: 36693 - Text: Why couldn't she take the bus home? When i was 18 I met my father for the first time since he left when I was 2. Unfortunately he didn't see me as his daughter he was always making sexual advances towards me. One night he told a uncle he could sleep with me my uncle was about 30 years older then me. I remember him chasing me around the coffee table telling me he slept with a 16 year old and he could teach me things, trying to hugg me telling me they're glad they found me. After a few minutes of him chasing me around the table he gave up. I was so scared I slept in my clothes. Sometime that night my father jumped on top of me completely naked i didn't know what to do but cry. Fortunately he felt me crying so he got off me. After I graduated high school I took the bus from Florida to California were I am from. Fortunately my mother let me move back in with her. I think she felt sorry for me because what my father did. She was a abusive alcoholic but that's a whole another story. I am 65 now i remember it like it was yesterday one never forgets the abuse but it is possible to heal.

id: 36734 - Text: Don't have sex with losers period that goes for men and women

id: 36813 - Text: I like that the show is honest now. No more fake help attempts. It's just sexwork promo. Wink wink nod nod.

id: 36882 - Text: Lol, don't know about a sex act.. but yeah I'd take $150,000.00 to move out of your blessed Utah... 😂

id: 36913 - Text: Interesting. No disrespect intended but I was listening to this on a long drive and couldn't access comments. Just heard the audio. I genuinely assumed the entire point of this interview was someone telling a 100% fabricated story due to various disorders. I assumed this because as I was listening literally nothing made sense, wasn't logical and seemed really far fetched. For example...she's in LA and wants to come home. Calls her father and her father shuns her and says figure it out turning her to sex work. Instead of buying her a plane ticket home. Then she said she had the money to buy a bus ticket home, but instead, got a job as a stripper because "she's not taking the bus". The amounts, frequency, and depths of her substance use also do not make psychological sense. Gallon of liquor a day while bolemic and anorexic? What strip club would hire a drunk anorexic dancer. And that job lasted a week, where she worked every day from 11am to 4am. Like, what? Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing adds up. At all. Did I completely miss the point? Is the consensus from mental health professionals and community at large that this is all a true story? If that's so then I apologize in advance for my assumptions and glad she's still alive. I wish her well regardless of all the above.
