31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 48392 - Text: Apart from her story, this is the first video I seen where someone took their clothes off? Its just really confusing like did they ask her to...??

id: 48394 - Text: I have watched several of your videos in the last couple of days.You are doing a seemingly simple, but such an important thing. I guess it is easy to judge people that do certain things - easiest thing in the world; but you bring the humanity to the surface; through all of these hours and hours of listening to people, you show that everyone has a story and everything happens for a reason. That there is a lot of pain behind creating pain. That the 'system' rarely does it's job. That we can do far more to help, rather than just pay our taxes and that the state will take care of the vulnerable. Thank you for all these - it must be difficult to experience the manifestation of pain over and over. You must be a strong person. I think it would be a good idea to start fundraisers for specific people - not sure if it actually is practical'd know better anyway. I would donate bits and bobs of money for different people; and I think others would too; maybe it wouldn't make a huge change but just a little help? Long comment! but if you get to read it, I wish you peace, health and strenght x

id: 48400 - Text: Seems like she’s good friends with her mom and stepdad now. They have videos together

id: 48428 - Text: What a beautiful girl! I came back to this video just to see her. Its so sad that God gave her so much physical beauty and a good heart too but gave her such a strange life. But its us that calls it strange. Not a single porn star has said anything bad about their porn work or the industry as yet. They all talk about it like its mainstream acting.

id: 48449 - Text: What I keep understanding in all these various videos , is foster care is TRASH . Seems highly rare to actually come out of it okay. In a way .. it’s like , all the parents who WANT to have kids , have them naturally or IVF or straight adoption.. the people who are “foster parents” are really just criminals under the guise of “helping children” . I wanna know the statistics of foster care. How many of these households are actually just as , or more abusive than the ones they were taken from??! That’s another system that needs dismantled and rebuilt with a completely diff business model.. there’s gotta be hundreds of thousands of kids every year that are being done wrong by this system.

id: 48568 - Text: This poor young lady. I feel so horrible for her. My siblings & I were SOOO lucky to have loving, supportive parents. I have seen so many of these videos and the root cause is child abuse & neglect. I cannot understand adults who could hurt a child. She mentions the foster parents withholding food? Wtf? What mental cases do they allow to be foster parents? Which social worker didn't believe her? Who are these mutants?!

id: 48599 - Text: The naked pic with the little girl’s dress almost said it all. This poor woman’s compass is still spinning...all video long. Great interview.

id: 48622 - Text: This video really grounded me.💗 I'm a bit ashamed now that I was so sad half an hour ago about accidentally breaking my phone screen. 😭 I can fix this with money and even though spending on something I could've avoided just by not being clumsy doesn't feel good still it's nothing compared to some other issues. It's just so wonderful and awakening to see her attitude about like and super hard problems be so nice and wise. Yes, I can't go back in time so I guess I'll just accept that my screen looks like a spider net. 🙃

id: 48644 - Text: I love how there’s sirens in some of these videos

id: 48737 - Text: These videos make me want to be a foster parent for older kids. It hurts my heart to see that they are so unwanted. Everyone deserves someone to love them and care for them. She seems so sweet and deserved way better. I’m glad she has a husband who loves and respects her and can raise her son to be loved the way he was meant to be. I hope the very best for her the rest of her life
