31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 48780 - Text: it hurts me when people say we should ‘support’ porn actresses because it’s their choice and it’s ‘empowering’. most woman like this have been raised into sexual intimacy far too early on so their perceptions on healthy relationships are completely distorted. they grow up thinking it’s the only thing they’re good for. i dont and will never support porn, well at least not professional porn. you see a common pattern in all these videos, they fidget, shake, stutter, etc because to sell your body like that, you have to be mentally not okay, and they’ve definitely been through some shit. it’s not empowering at all, and it’s wrong on so many levels.

id: 48821 - Text: Why did she take her clothes off for a picture to be used on this video, when this video is supposed to be healing for her in some way I would imagine?

id: 48912 - Text: Love that these videos give us a more personal connecton with the people society likes to claim are outcasts. great videos thank you

id: 48958 - Text: Everybody in the comment section is a therapist, psychologist and mental health specialist....just watch the video and listen to the story.

id: 48976 - Text: Big takeaway from this video for me personally - Its not always what it looks like.

id: 48984 - Text: lol, she talks about how she was abused and molested her whole childhood. Then Soft White Underbelly takes a nude picture of her and posts in the video....These videos are very interesting, but this guy is so creepy.

id: 48988 - Text: Inappropriate affect is a psychological term when a person's expression is not aligned with that they're saying. Its usually a sign of trauma or deep discomfort. This may explain her smiling through out the video when she's describing some of the horrific things.

id: 48989 - Text: I'm not sure if anyone else's parents or guardians put it this way, but my Dad always used to tell me not to look at porn. He wouldn't just say that either, "Son, pornography is bad and you shouldn't look at it because it's bad mkayyyyyyyyy," but, what he did say to me, "Imagine if you saw your own family member, a cousin, aunt, or even your own sister in one of those pictures or videos. What would you do? Would you tell someone? How much would that hurt you?" Then, I started to think about the fact that everyone is someone to somebody. If they aren't a brother or a sister, they are always someone's son or daughter. For every face, for every person that appears in those pictures and videos, there is a broken family, broken hearts...

id: 48999 - Text: Watching these kind of videos hurts my soul so much. She seems so sweet and pure. she is hurting so much She deserves the best. 💜

id: 49031 - Text: Best Video not be judgemental...Poor girl, she deserved better, evebody does deserves better life like this...but that part with her husband I Don t get
