58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 37438 - Text: Pretty sad this looks to be nothing but an opportunity to funnel guys to her Only Fans.. But Mark knew she was insane... she open admits at least twice in the couple of minutes I tried to tolerate listening but I just cant.. I heard her claiming that she got alcohol cirrhosis and was so sick with this or that and OD 50 times or something but they weren't real ODs.. I was trying to listen a little and do some other things at the same thing I just caught a few things but when I seen her comment pinned and looked at her profile she had an Instagram handle that doesn't seem to produce a page anymore so it was likely shut down for being porn like most Only Fans "models" from what I have heard on podcasts and such.. I have no idea what Only Fans site looks like and exactly how how it works and don't want to but I do know that the girls on there basically get as many desperate men as possible to fall in love with them literally by messaging them constantly for $ I believe but the former "model" I listened to on a podcast says that basically once they fall for you they will send her ALL of their money basically to get videos or pictures made just for them (so they think) and basically she could manage up to so many full-time and it resulted in six figures per month between those guys and whatever else they were doing and in here profile on here it says OF and a website dot com which again basically says I'm crazy and of course me being me I will check out her website I figure she is selling something or making money through some means with it but instead it just a straight redirect to her Only Fans page which now I cant say I have never seen that site before lol but you can only see her profile pic of her face which matches with the person on here and you can see one line of text like twitter I guess where you put high level stuff like "Engineer of things by day and content creator by night!" except on her page it says something to the effect of being a big squirter with a "designer pussy" for only $5.99.. Women like her who don't care about their public image and are looking for ways to drive men to her page through any means I would not trust any story she told on here at that point which I could not even listen to it really so I don't know exactly what she was trying to sell but I'm sure abuse from someone close and I find it SUPER odd that several women on this page and other channels who had abuse stories that were horrible and some were even verifiable because there was stories published when they actually told the police and they were arrested and found guilty but then the girl turns around and talks about how she sold herself for sex for 8 years in some town like Vegas 12-14 hours a day and they made up to 10k or more some days but got to keep 0 of it because they fell in love with their pimp who beats her half to death if she leaves the corner and come back home any night with less than the minimum 4k or like her jumping on the only fans wagon because she likely heard from girls in LA how much she could make just because guys love a thin good looking blonde like her.. it just baffles my mind.. are they just telling stories for people to feel bad and they all get into sex work anyways because they were raped and that's just how it goes sometimes.. I don't know.. I feel like someone who got raped by a trusted person like family/family-friends or abused for years on end.. they would be the girl who cant trust someone and never date and certainly wouldn't become involved in the sex trade or porn industry and the only girl I personally knew that told people including me that she was raped several times by a family friend that was wayyyyy older she was a pretty blonde as well but totally soft spoken, cutting herself, never dated until she was almost 30 and that seems like the proper reaction u think you would see more of but at least online on these interview type channels its seems to be much different and I know LA is part of the problem and so would Vegas but Dayton Ohio is not far from me in Ohio and yeah I don't know.. I just feel like I am pretty certain based on a few observations I did make that this particular girl maybe asked to come on here to tell her possibly half true half made up story just because she knows it will get 400k views fast and maybe much more over a month and longer time and they learn if just 0.03% find their page and sign up that will be on avg around 800-1000 at the very minimum in additional $5.99 subscriptions PER month and honestly in reality nothing on earth converts higher and bring in more money than the sex/porn industry and she knows a 1% conversion would be a bad rate and they usually use 1 or 2% as the conservative bare minimum and a lot of the regular industries 1 or 2% would be "Good/AVG" but for her if we say 50/50 men and woman watch here and only 50% have a chance being men but lets be really picky and say 50% of them are like me and never would spend a $1 on such a thing and then only 1% of them convert instead of 3 to 5% that's more normal.. she is still basically guaranteed to add 10-12k in just additional $5.99 subs and that's taking 50% in fees which I assume its less but we will use 50%. Of those guys if just 2 become obsessed and feel like she gives them a lot of attention the girls who "work" on that site say they will literally take out loans and give them all of it or if they catch a whale that wants to be exclusive and will pay her 50k a month that some even do that the whale might send her 25k a week and agree to buy her anything she wants online like design bags .. one girl got one married whale to buy her a 2mil house in LA so yeah.. I think mark might learn a lesson with certain types because of this girl..

id: 37526 - Text: I have to call bullshit on a lot of this story. I just have always had the best bullshit detector and it always proves correct. I mean I believe she’s telling the truth about being a sex worker and a drug abuser but the A-list actor thing and the hundred thousand dollars for four days. I’m gonna have to pass on believing that. I love the stories on this channel but this one I had to get out early. she seems like someone who is trying to establish herself as a professional, so she can attract the A-list actors and other rich men. But that’s just my opinion.

id: 37538 - Text: Did You notice how she got nervous when she lied that her father has not sexsualy abuse her .. I am so so sorry..but somebody has to say to her that was notvher fault ! She can not be embaras for what her step father was doing to her!! She never be healed - because she is not honest..even though she is a victim . Bless her ❤

id: 37550 - Text: Ex-prostitute/sex worker, alcoholic, drug addict who knocked out her own teeth while locked up in a mental hospital AND THIS IS EVERY MAN'S DREAM GIRL? NOT THIS MAN! Looks aren't everything my friend... What's life with no substance? No pun intended...

id: 37629 - Text: I’m going to be completely honest and upfront. Your life style is going to destroy you. Sex work, alcohol, drugs, living without purpose and love all feed the darkness. That darkness wants to consume you. It is a real entity. It possessed your mother and stepfather and latched on to you. The only way to get free is to repent and rebuke the darkness. It does not care about you, it does not live you. It is a parasite feeding off of your vices. You have to walk away from the lifestyle. Or it will destroy you. The choice is a normal “square” life where you learn to love yourself and a dog or a cat and maybe people one day or you end up in hell tormented and tortured by the darkness for eternity. The power of Christ can set you free and heal your mind and your heart but you have to surrender. Everything will be much brighter and you will feel again. You’ll be able to connect and love again. Don’t be afraid. He is so much more powerful than the darkness. And yet His strength is gentle. The strength of LOVE. The strength of the Creator. I’ve been through the fire. My strongest demons were lust and fear but I was set free. God is a gentleman. He is patient, gentle and would never force. You have to choose life not death. Life is so much better.💗

id: 37678 - Text: I had a friend who had BPD (she died from cirrhosis of the liver in her 40s). She was the greatest story teller of all time and this reminds me so much of her. Three A list actors…my friend never once admitted she had BPD. She had no identity. She moved to NYC, pretended to be in law school, lived episodes of sex and the city and was high off of the “life” she claimed she lived. Every story my friend told I realized after she passed that 99% was made up. Her whole life was this epic, vibrant, rollercoaster of made up stories. A dark ride. All the characters she told me about I still think about them. I met her when I was 15 years old. I told her I like the shoes she had on. She said “thank you. My mom bought me six pairs of them.” I looked at her and immediately said “no she didn’t”. She didn’t argue. She dismissed my comment and walked away. That was our first encounter.

id: 37686 - Text: As an ex addict and sex worker.. the real ones see through all of the embellishments and holes in her story.

id: 37799 - Text:  @ThaGVPSon  nothing at all, in the right environment. To interject with this comment just as she was saying how fucked up on drugs she would get and how she used her looks and sex to prevent her from living on the street. Well that's creepy and reinforced her mantra that people are only interested in her looks. It wasn't a helpful or emboldening comment.

id: 37812 - Text: ​ @nicoyadoll You better believe he used youtube views money for sexual favours from her. Just how the soft white underbelly rolls.

id: 37822 - Text: Isn't there this general idea that disordered ("crazy") girls are supposed to be quite a thrilling experience... not long term.... but fun for a short period. I don't feel like it was right or wrong - what Mark commented - as it speaks to how society is... there's a perception about uninhibited sex, drugs, alcohol, intense emotions, not a dull moment... that is attractive for some. The most important to note is that she says that she has no sense of self, no core identity... the fact that she has this insight is really positive... hitting rock bottoms is uncomfortable - necessary to prompt the desire for change... How does one get to that point in which they get to meet themselves at core... Anyway.... I think that she is going to find out who she is at core.... she hasn't addressed the damage that her mother and step dad did.... her adult self has decided it is what it is and doesn't let that stuff bother her.... but her core needs the healing. Captive spirit - Amanda Buys... find on YouTube.
