10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 48638 - Text: Pretty woman. Sorry this happened. I know she gets paid for porn but I think she’s worth more. Wish she knew that

id: 48656 - Text: The GLAMOUR of porn. All the things we don't know about all the girls doing porn.

id: 48672 - Text: That's because deep down inside she knows he really doesn't love her. Any man who doesn't have a problem with his woman in the porn industry sleeping with other men couldn't possibly love his wife. He's a voyeur plain and simple. And she just said that her pleasure is giving into other people's pleasure. She's still broken from all the abuse she went through as a child because no one in their right mind would settle for this as a career.

id: 48712 - Text: this is why i dont like mainstream porn. OF and ametur are better alternatives

id: 48730 - Text: She’s intelligent and compassionate and would make a great nurse or teacher. Poor thing hasn’t stood a chance against abusive adults and a broken system. Now porn is using her...

id: 48780 - Text: it hurts me when people say we should ‘support’ porn actresses because it’s their choice and it’s ‘empowering’. most woman like this have been raised into sexual intimacy far too early on so their perceptions on healthy relationships are completely distorted. they grow up thinking it’s the only thing they’re good for. i dont and will never support porn, well at least not professional porn. you see a common pattern in all these videos, they fidget, shake, stutter, etc because to sell your body like that, you have to be mentally not okay, and they’ve definitely been through some shit. it’s not empowering at all, and it’s wrong on so many levels.

id: 48786 - Text: Lol. I love how she gives u pointers like who the fuck wants to be a porn star.

id: 48797 - Text:  @felipe-zm8yd  no one advocating for for the end of human trafficking is a SWERF. Swerfs are AGAINST sex workers. Wanting any sort of erotica industry to be safe and healthy and clean and consensual is not SWERFing. People with maladaptive hypersexuality deserve to be able to work through that WITHOUT being taken advantage of. And not everyone in porn has a story like hers. Yes of course many do. But wait til you go into law. Or medicine. Or Entertainment. Of fashion. Or God forbid POLITICS. Or religion.... And realize how absolutely heinous everybody's backstory is in those realms.

id: 48824 - Text: She seems like a really sweet person who got dealt a really shitty hand. You joke about porn stars having daddy issues, but this really humanizes it. I feel like a bit of a douche.

id: 48829 - Text: The amount of young girls in bad situations who want to model but get pulled into the porn industry is shocking...
