58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 39961 - Text: What is it like when everyone on the planet both sexes ( it is 2023) wants to do everything for you without even hearing one word from you !

id: 39974 - Text: She could have easily become a model and been a party girl but i guess that wasnt stimulating enough maybe compared to sex work.

id: 40007 - Text: Right, I'm only 18 minutes in and I can tell her dad is less than stellar. She calls him, desperate for cash or help, and he tells her "figure it out, you got this!". Lol what kind of neglectful shit is that, masking as 'tough love' adulthood lessons. Your daughter could be on the streets, subjected to god knows what, and you tell her "you're a survivor!" It's no wonder she got into sex work. I also found the part about her intimidating her stepfather dubious as well and more of a use of her imagination as a self defense mechanism.

id: 40103 - Text:  @bakeraus  . No one deserves the childhood she had. But she doesn’t seem to be worried enough to do anything about it. She refused to take her medication and she’s still a sex worker. Everyone tells her how beautiful she is. One day that will be all gone. Then what?

id: 40142 - Text: Let me send just because this girl is beautiful quote" doesn't mean that her stories any more important than any other child out there suffering from mental health issues from sexual abuse physical abuse mental abuse domestic violence death abandonment Like myself... Ultimately nobody gives a crap what you look like yeah you're real pretty and all... But that doesn't matter to mental health or life

id: 40233 - Text: @@ElphabaSingz so an attractive fun girl and who’s an alcoholic and does hard drugs and a sex worker is a guys dream girl? How short is this dream?

id: 40265 - Text: Dream girl = sexual fantasy. 😢

id: 40269 - Text: he's enabling her.... so sad. he's fuelling her delusions and pipe dreams. he's making sure he'll have more content o get from her chaotic and messy life. it's just so fascinating to see a pretty girl ruining herself with substances and tons of sex. tragic

id: 40406 - Text:  @Bizarrebarbie  My parents were addicted to meth and alcohol as well. Extremely chaotic. We were taken away by cps twice. I too am a drug addict although in recovery and have had a lot of crazy stories myself. I know what it's like to have money and be a severe drug addict. My drug are opiates and crack. I sympathize and believe everything you say but I can only listen until halfway because it just became too triggering with the sexual things and drugs and what not. I all my money on escorts and drugs and crypto gambling and then got to the point where I needed to kill myself or get sober. I don't know if you're sober or not, but I wish you the best !

id: 40463 - Text: Minus the sex work, this girl was living the drug life i lived in the 90s. As glamorous as it may seem, unfortunately after roughly 20 years of partying and 7 or so years of opiate-led heroin addiction, im sober now, and trying to mend my extremely neglected brain, body, soul. It is the hardest thing ive ever done. I dont know, most days, if itll ever not be this tough. Though i do know its worth me trying, dammit I wish i could go back to 28 and try to get sober back then...hindsight is a bitch... ✌🏼 and 🩵 ✨️ and ☕️ to this lovely sweet lady, and anyone else trying to mend their souls ☀️
