58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 40957 - Text:  @thematriarchy2075  They are more than happy to feed her delusion in exchange for sex... and the sellers will indulge her needs to feel crazy by selling her harder & harder drugs. Matriarchy is what they're feeding you. You're just a willing customer. Nauseating.

id: 41016 - Text:  @Jamesy399  I am not totally convinced that he (her father) exists. This could be a delusional character or possibly a sugar daddy. Where was he while all of this abuse was going on? The brain, has a multitude of protective modes. Manifesting rescue "heroes" is one of them. The same thing with her denial of sexual abuse. Hopefully I am wrong. However 20 years with the NYC Law Department family court, medical malpractice & CPS says otherwise. Tragic😢😢😢.

id: 41293 - Text: Just came here to say I love your story. Relate to a lot. Never got into the sex work or stripping cause of my prior sex abuse made me hate it. But the drugs and recklessness and gypsy lifestyle. Also my nickname was the Bundler (heroin, and I had bundles of stuff everywhere) and my best friends name was the Handler (she literally handled everything and everyone) your beautiful and I’m happy you didn’t get really hurt in your travels. Blessings to you!!

id: 41311 - Text:  @steakeater4018  a choice to do sex work? Yes very much so, a lot of my friends were into it, and I was propositioned a lot. I did have some very crazy experiences helping my friend out of jams doing it and it always scared the hell outta me. It’s ok to ask me anything, no need to apologize!

id: 41323 - Text: Babe i so get it ,your story mirrors mine except i was sexually abused,but i left home at 14 and found booze and drugs,and got by from my looks everything was paid for and then the sex work and eating disorders ,liver disease,mental illness and a intense draw to the darkness anyway hun now im older but i have had kids been married,all the time drinking until it kicked back now it makes me vomit etc badly,men love meth because they can screw longer etc lol,ive done all the drugs and to be honest i love them but they dont love me anymore,anyhow long story short AA saved me and im 15yrs sober to be honest im terrified of booze,but ive met my tribe and they are alcoholics hun get to AA and i love sobriety, it is another high xx oh and my favourite saying when it comes to booze, 1is to many and a thousand is not enough .

id: 41441 - Text: You are an incredible woman. We're the same age and I've had my own type of self destruction with alcohol and sex addiction. I'm 3 months sober and going on the longest I've been sober since I was boot camp for the Marine Corps.. your story motivates me even more. I genuinely hope you keep pushing and if you relapse you get back up and keep pushing. I'll do the same. We got this.

id: 41557 - Text:  @anonymouse991 if “my goal was to promote my of” why wouldn’t I come on here as a “sex worker” or an Onlyfans girl. I’ve had my of on my site for awhile. Shut up

id: 41591 - Text: @Bizarrebarbie Thank you for sharing your story. Your greatest beauty comes from your heart, and I see you have a good heart, despite all of the challenges you've faced. I've known several recovering drug and alcohol addicts, including one older woman who was on skid row (downtown L.A.)--she moved to an apartment near mine in Pasadena, so we often chatted in front of the building. On skid row, she had a seizure from an overdose and was partially paralyzed on her right side, requiring a cane. Long road to recovery through a faith-based rehab, but she got stronger in her willpower to kick the habit and heal. She told me she had to avoid the people who encouraged the habit (trust your instincts), surround herself with people who asked nothing of her and genuinely cared and helped her avoid drugs, plan one day at a time, and forgive herself and anyone who hurt her. Really courageous woman who had a rough life, a fine example of overcoming massive challenges. Your comments about how ridiculous TikTok is are spot on. I have a 12-year old daughter who is quite pretty, athletic, musical, and extroverted, but too easily influenced, especially by the "cool girls" flaunting luxury brands and beauty products. My wife and I gave her an iPhone on her birthday, but quickly saw enormous peer pressure and cyberbullying via group texts and social media, so we deleted many of the apps, restricted websites--apps and sites were often sexualizing everything, including kids--and set short screen time limits. I know it sounds draconian, but the pernicious behavior, even among mean girls and boys her age, was shocking. I changed my web browser to Brave, applying cookie and ad restrictions to my own iPhone, because I often saw ads and website redirects that looked really seedy. Stopping problems before they start... As a father who wants his daughter to use and share her gifts well and be content and truthful, I hope the same for you. Here are some ways forward for you to consider: Explore rehab/AA/SAA and have a trusted female friend (not an addict) help keep you accountable. Consider a career change with a low barrier to entry (example: Real Estate Salesperson--see dre dot ca dot gov and their page StepstoGetlicensed). If you have a criminal record, see if it can be expunged, first. Dress the way you want people to treat you. Volunteer at least weekly--clean the beach, help at a convalescent home... It feels good to help make the world a little better. Consider faith for healing and strength through truth, beauty, and goodness. For me, I find an amazing range of spiritual practices/expressions, compassion, and consistency through the Roman Catholic Church. Mother Teresa, the "Saint of the Gutters", is a modern hero of mine. If you consider a Catholic church, try one that offers a Latin Mass--these tend to keep me, a man with plenty of faults, more accountable, and they don't equivocate or mince words. God bless you. I'm cheering you on from afar.

id: 41736 - Text: ​@col.cottonhill6655 she's a lot more than that. A person who has experienced childhood abuse, sex worker, high-end escort, alcoholic, addict, but mostly, she's a survivor.

id: 41741 - Text:  @DaniNouveauWitch  you're saying she would be better off titled as a sex worker or an abuse victim and telling us she's "so much more" than beautiful. Idk about you but almost every woman I know would be offended to be labeled and known as a prostitute even if it were true. Also I know many addicts and childhood abuse victims (myself included) who refuse to be defined by those unfortunate experiences.
