31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 5360 - Text: I also went and graduated from Teen Challenge in 2019-2020 in Texas because of my Xanax addiction. I'm now 3 years sober this month (Feb 27) I'm only 22 but been through hell and back. Watching these videos push me to stay sober and glad to know I'm never alone.

id: 5519 - Text: I'm turning this video in as my AA attendance

id: 5545 - Text: This video really hits home. I had a very rocky relationship and marriage to a man whose life mirrored Patrick’s, and which ultimately ended in divorce. Sadly, he passed away about a year later in his mid-40’s leaving his parents and two sons behind. I thank God that Patrick is a Christian because Jesus is truly Patrick’s only hope. Indeed, 12 steps is awesome, but I really believe that the Bible, fellowship with other believers, and prayer is the best armor against any strongholds. Run to the Father and confess your sins, every time they occur. Don’t run away from Him. Let Him take away your shame and guilt. Let Him change you. It may not happen over night, but it will happen if you trust Him and ask Him to. He knows you better than anyone and He still loves you more than you could ever imagine. Get into His word and let it renew your mind. I will be praying for you.

id: 5561 - Text: I literally feel like crying for Patrick. I have watched HEAPS of your videos on addiction and it is THIS ONE that truly hit home and scared me .. scared me for HIM. I cannot even begin to fathom just what its like to be addicted and be so out of control. He is being SO totally open and honest .. SO transparent .. and you can see he REALLY doesn't like himself and what he is doing. I hope he doesn't lose his job. I wish he could SEE how valuable and how much potential he has. No wonder he is so loved by the women he sees. He is a genuinely lovely guy who's just taken the wrong path and is finding it impossible to find his way back out. Jesus loves Patrick SO much and I feel a lot of love for him too. I am a Christian woman too who has gotten into more trouble than Flash Gordon in my time too, but Jesus never gave up on me either. I will definitely be praying for Patrick.

id: 5589 - Text: He has an update video

id: 5599 - Text: Speaking from experience you always pick up right were you left off if not worse. And this is coming from multiple relapses 17 yrs clean now but what helps me is when I tell myself I definitely have another run in me but do I have another clean run weigh my opinions.tell myself this too shall pass and say no and call a sober friend. Crack will beat you into the ground. I remember trying to justify this shit and tell myself I free base cause I cook it myself like it's any better. Watching videos like this definitely keeps it green

id: 5672 - Text: Yo man. Next time your clean and think about relapsing, come back to this video and check out this support. You can get clean and stay clean! We believe in you man!

id: 5676 - Text: I love how all the comments on any of these videos of people doing drugs or other terrible stuff say: "ask god to help you" or "reach out to God" or "Jesus will help you" like you guys don't fuckin think he's ever asked for help from a God? Jesus doesn't fix everything and people who have never had to deal with shit in their lives or been through anything going around telling others to "reach out to God" is honestly insulting. It seems like people like this feel like they have all the answers and like to go around and tell people "find Jesus like me" and your life will change. STFU 😂

id: 5687 - Text: Congrats. You are now jobless. So stupid to make this video dude.

id: 5688 - Text: Watching these videos I just had a crazy idea for drug addicts. What if they move somewhere where they can't get drugs ? For instance, in Russia we don't have crack cocaine and methamphetamine. So if he comes here, he won't be able to do it. However, there are cocaine and amphetamine. And he probably won't be able to get a job here🤷‍♀️
