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id: 41959 - Text:  @redwoodninja5334  This is simply because the statistic for sexual abuse in girls/women is so high. The statistic is 1 in 6 and there are thousands of women in porn, so do the math.

id: 41985 - Text:  @dontcallmebaby  majority have experienced sexual trauma, it’s a documented fact, upwards of 85%

id: 41996 - Text:  @FRANK45CASTLE  Porn desensitises people to sex. It’s not good for your sexual health. I mean, do you, but don’t encourage others to do it. Otherwise you get men struggling to hold erections and women struggling to orgasm. It’s not worth it.

id: 41999 - Text: Honestly, after watching porn stars on here, I go and watch their work. I came here with her. It's kinda sexy knowing their Life. Like you know them

id: 42005 - Text: There are lots of happy sex workers. #1 thing you can do to help stop trafficking and contributing to trauma is pay for your porn!!! A lot of free porn is not.consenual

id: 42008 - Text:  @darrianguffey6879  Good question. It does not affect it at all, but I do think (many studies have shown) it has negative effects on many a sex life. Some get lost into the fantasy aspect of it, and lose touch with reality. Now, underage porn is another horrible story- I know you were not referring to such filth. Overall, I can not condone it and never will. Just one man's opinion.

id: 42014 - Text: Ive argued with men who defend their "right" to use services of sex workers because they have delusions about this just being a great situation for all involved. I wish every one of them were forced to listen and see the scars and trauma they are continuing... Newsflash, no woman just happens to love sex and sees your disgusting a** paying them as just a fun bonus. These are victims of trauma who sometimes lack the self esteem, resources, etc to make other choices. These people are just surviving, not thriving.

id: 42020 - Text:  @darrianguffey6879  Sorry if it wasn't clear. I was just talking about rape period. Wherever it occurs. But I could have chosen any one of a million other things I think it's important and valid to express opinions on that won't necessarily ever "affect me personally" That was pretty much it. But since you kind of introduced the subject as pertains to porn now, I would add that rape within the porn industry is probably more commonplace than a lot of us imagine. Some studios are terrificly professional, and so the world the lady in this interview describes of everyone having fun in set in a safe respectful environment ( well as respectful as you can be with DP 😉) exists I'm sure. But equally there are several well known studios who seem to believe that once you've had someone sign the waiver you can do whatever you like to them. There's no question rape occurs all the time in porn, if you define rape as I do as sexual acts being done to you without your consent at the time it's happening. So many ex performers have talked about the issue and named the studios in question. Although for the moment they are still in operation. The pressure can be far too much for young women, and these days they retire you much past 21, dealing with something this intense. From coercion both hard and soft, to the realisation if you walk of set half way through you don't get paid, there's no doubt in my mind that stuff like FA is rape often times. That studio ( which is so mainstream it featured in Netflix doc hot girls wanted) actually adopt mark's q & a. Except once you've told them about your childhood molestation they then reinact it on the young women in order to 'break her'. Which is what gets their audience off, some 18 year old reduced to a blubbering howling mess. But hey - it's female empowerment right folks ? 🙄🙄

id: 42054 - Text: Abuse: abuse of substances, power, knowledge, sex. This is why humans suck. I'm so sad to hear this.

id: 42059 - Text:  @intothesurf  the justice system is Fucked up it needs to be fixed put away all these evil perverted perpetrators rapist sex offender's child abuser sex traffickers and pimps perverts make kiddie porn and watch it all need be put in bring back electric chair or gas chamber to die or in jail no parole bullshit or out on good behavior bullshit 4 life till they die if they do the crime destroy lives they do the time.
