31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 52695 - Text: Just because she's smiling doesn't mean she is happy. Some people smile and laugh to keep from crying, or from nerves Edit: just seen her crying so heartbreaking. I was only into the video a couple of minutes when I made the above statement

id: 52698 - Text: These videos break my heart.

id: 52770 - Text: all these videos about foster parents who do this shit to kids, it makes me want to adopt all foster kids in the world. Why the fuck do people who can't take care of kids sign up for foster?!

id: 52782 - Text: Oh, how lovely is Luna?! Such an infectious smile. I realised i was sitting here watching the second half of the video (in particular) with a massive smile on my face. I think she is delightful :-D Such a shitty start in life, to living a life she loves (regardless of what anyone else wants to cast judgement on). I think that is super admirable.

id: 52797 - Text: I hear ya! Me too, I was just smiling thru the video. 42 yrs old and I'm still not used to hearing about adults abusing kids. I just cant fathom that. Such a beautiful girl. I wish her the best

id: 52812 - Text:  @lynette599  I don't like to assume, or create stories, about anyone. Luna is a grown woman and she is telling her truth as she knows and understands it in this moment in which she made this video. And to that and that alone, i wrote my original comment. I am not interested in analysing others. Or in casting judgment. Particularly when they are laying themselves bare and showing vulnerability. I prefer to take people as they are. Only Luna knows the intricacies of her story and i appreciate her sharing all that she did. Simple as that. And i still find her lovely and delightful and i respect and admire her courage.

id: 52841 - Text: Mark, I doubt you'll end up reading this, but it's something you ought to hear. I've seen a number of your videos, and I can confidently say that, while the interviews are genuinely educational in a sense, they're at their core extremely exploitative. You claim to be motivated by some benign social responsibility, but the more videos I watch the harder that is for me to believe. So far as I can tell, you're cherry-picking incredibly vulnerable people then prying into their most personal and traumatic life experiences with shocking callousness. It's bad with the men who you interview, but it's on a whole other level when you talk to women. The fact that your first video features a misogynistic pimp who you seemed a bit enamored with says a lot. You're clearly not trained in therapeutic intervention, as anyone with even an introductory knowledge of psychology knows that your method for questioning is about the most destructive approach possible. At your most refined, you're questioning is cold and seemingly indifferent. At your worst, your interrogations are outright predatory. To be frank, you can be downright brutal--sadistic, even. When someone wavers or shies away from reliving their traumas, you push them to say more than their obviously comfortable with. When people do open up and break down emotionally, you twist the knife with increasingly pointed questions to get them to divulge as much as possible (and cry more, if possible, cause we all know tears sell). A woman will say she's been raped, and you'll follow up by indifferently asking when and how and how often and by whom and can you please describe it in graphic detail? Are you kidding me? Can you be that ignorant? These are human beings. Their suffering isn't just youtube likes. Their sexual abuse and addictions aren't simply another thousand followers. If you think you're doing these people a service (you had the gall to tell the woman in this interview that she should consider this a therapy session), you're grossly mistaken. You're damaging them. You're leeching off their self-hate and personal regrets for your own contrived sense of benevolence. You're baldly turning these people's pain into clickbait. (Your background in advertising is painfully obvious.) In fact, you're so self-indulgent that you took a significant portion of your 'introduction' video to brag about yourself and the "$150,000" dollars you've spent helping people on Skid Row. Do these people deserve more attention and compassion? Were many of them driven to the streets in an attempt to escape abuse and intolerable home lives? Should they be viewed as whole human beings rather than mere addicts or sex workers? Yes, without question. But are you the proper 'messenger' for this task? I don't believe so.

id: 52866 - Text: Dude why would you ever strip naked though. This guy seems kind of weird like I thought you were good guy with the work that you doing this videos but you're having some or refuse insecure girls strip naked for what so you could look at her under the guise of Photography and journalism? Btw. She wouldnt be the first porn star to become a model. Or an actress

id: 52879 - Text: What the hell is wrong with the child What the heck is wrong with the child care system? So many of these videos have people in them that talk about the abuse they suffered while in the system. They were removed from their families because of abuse and then put into the system with more abuse. What the heck???

id: 52926 - Text: Time to hit up xvideos
