10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 49602 - Text:  @darrianguffey6879  Sorry if it wasn't clear. I was just talking about rape period. Wherever it occurs. But I could have chosen any one of a million other things I think it's important and valid to express opinions on that won't necessarily ever "affect me personally" That was pretty much it. But since you kind of introduced the subject as pertains to porn now, I would add that rape within the porn industry is probably more commonplace than a lot of us imagine. Some studios are terrificly professional, and so the world the lady in this interview describes of everyone having fun in set in a safe respectful environment ( well as respectful as you can be with DP 😉) exists I'm sure. But equally there are several well known studios who seem to believe that once you've had someone sign the waiver you can do whatever you like to them. There's no question rape occurs all the time in porn, if you define rape as I do as sexual acts being done to you without your consent at the time it's happening. So many ex performers have talked about the issue and named the studios in question. Although for the moment they are still in operation. The pressure can be far too much for young women, and these days they retire you much past 21, dealing with something this intense. From coercion both hard and soft, to the realisation if you walk of set half way through you don't get paid, there's no doubt in my mind that stuff like FA is rape often times. That studio ( which is so mainstream it featured in Netflix doc hot girls wanted) actually adopt mark's q & a. Except once you've told them about your childhood molestation they then reinact it on the young women in order to 'break her'. Which is what gets their audience off, some 18 year old reduced to a blubbering howling mess. But hey - it's female empowerment right folks ? 🙄🙄

id: 49604 - Text: i pretty much exclusively only watch self managed and created porn. industry porn is boring anyways, and being able to directly support the creator is a good feeling, plus you get the chance to get to talk to them sometimes which i think is an added bonus. i am not just referring to onlyfans, but that is one avenue, and i do realize that a lot of onlyfans creators are managed anyways. just my 2 cents

id: 49609 - Text: amateur porn is better anyway lmao. fuck that professional fake shit.

id: 49610 - Text: But not all of them like that... Porn is a profession and choosing a career of a porn actress is the same as choosing a career of being an action movie actress... Usually people go there from normal families with normal past just because they like what they are doing

id: 49614 - Text: I thought the same thing. No more porn hub.

id: 49617 - Text: ​ @dontcallmebaby  I've worked with many porn stars. they all have major issues and are not very happy behind the scenes

id: 49626 - Text: Jesus delivered me from watching porn three years ago for exactly the reason on the OP. When I tried to go back and watch porn after my deliverance I cried. The trauma attached to the industry is beyond deeper than on our understanding on how dark it really is. I hope more wake up to this truth.

id: 49627 - Text: She clearly loves porn she blushed talking about it

id: 49634 - Text: Damn...this thread was wild. I wish I could have seen Jesse's comment. There are several porn star's out there that "love" their job, but it takes a certain kind of individual to remain in the industry for YEARS. For the people bringing OF and camming...very very very different. Independent creaters that film on their own time in the safety of their homes/fellow independent creaters. Ya'll ever heard of Bonnie Rotten? Go do some research and you'll find out her first ever "film" essentially depicted her being drugged and raped. She stayed in the industry for years, she claimed to have retired but idk. I'm very selective about what I watch, I enjoy it but am fully aware of the "dark" side of this industry. A lot of independent creaters refuse to hop on paid sites and the hub. You make more money as an independent creater and that has been proven many times. I will admit, I often feel grossed out by myself after closing that browser and moving on with my day. Lots of porn stars admit to being intoxicated and on drugs while filming and seem to "not care". I don't judge people who think it's disgusting and sick and evil whatever...ya'll getting INSANELY defensive on either side need to chill tf out. Some porn stars are completely money motivated and will do ANYTHING, some are different. Many refuse to do implied incest and blatantly racist scenes that fetishize individuals of color, and I highly respect that. Do I care if someone loves those genres? Kind of, I will silently jugde you but I won't harass you on the internet. At the end of the day, porn is a gross and complicated industry to navigate. Many mainstream actors and actresses will tell you it's purely business and that often they don't get any genuine pleasure - it's work. Another thing people need to realize is that there are many predatory and sick people in the industry...but no one really cares. They don't get rape charges...nothing. Why? I don't really no, but it's always going to be that way. Consuming pornographic content doesn't make you a bad person. What "matters" is how you consume it and levels of self awareness. There are "good" people who watch and make porn...there are "bad" people who watch and make porn...just how it be ya'll.

id: 49641 - Text:  @intothesurf  the justice system is Fucked up it needs to be fixed put away all these evil perverted perpetrators rapist sex offender's child abuser sex traffickers and pimps perverts make kiddie porn and watch it all need be put in bring back electric chair or gas chamber to die or in jail no parole bullshit or out on good behavior bullshit 4 life till they die if they do the crime destroy lives they do the time.
