58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 42265 - Text:  @cyberpleb2472  Sorry you've never had sex sister Think of me when you mow a crowd down pleb.

id: 42278 - Text:  @barbaramiller9660  ~ Porn is an equal opportunity destroyer. Especially now that is so readily available. So many men immerse themselves in it, they literally get sucked into porn and it ruins their lives AND their sex drives. Some turn into sad, obsessed perverts that turn off every real life woman they encounter.

id: 42284 - Text: I use to watch a lot growing up as a teen in the 1990s with the internet just coming to age. I’m 38 with three young kids. The allure of porn has dwindled. Some woman will say they enjoy making porn or being porn stars but I don’t believe them. Finding a great relationship with another person you can have sexual adventures with is the better way to go.

id: 42305 - Text: It's funny to me that so many females on this thread are saying things like "Oh yes! Thank you for saying this! If every man were like you the world would be perfect!..." You guys are serious? Because a guy says "well since some people that are in the porn industry have been abused in some form, I can't spank my monkey cause when I see the sparkle in their eye when they reminds me too much of who they are inside and I cry and use my tears to finish while I think about the one time I had silent, lights on, no emotion sex with my stuffed animal brontosaurus 🦕 "... He is Mr perfect? Imagine if everyone thought that way about every other profession... If someone can explain to me wtf happened to our species in the past 10-15 years or so, please tell me so I can understand how we went from a somewhat functional society to a divided on every single issue or topic ever conceived so that no one trusts anyone clusterfuck of moving meat. Don't be too harsh... YouTube does have community guidelines and you wouldn't want to be banned because of something you said to lil ol me right?

id: 42306 - Text: It's funny to me that so many females on this thread are saying things like "Oh yes! Thank you for saying this! If every man were like you the world would be perfect!..." You guys are serious? Because a guy says "well since some people that are in the porn industry have been abused in some form, I can't spank my monkey cause when I see the sparkle in their eye when they reminds me too much of who they are inside and I cry and use my tears to finish while I think about the one time I had silent, lights on, no emotion sex with my stuffed animal brontosaurus 🦕 "... He is Mr perfect? Imagine if everyone thought that way about every other profession... If someone can explain to me wtf happened to our species in the past 10-15 years or so, please tell me so I can understand how we went from a somewhat functional society to a divided on every single issue or topic ever conceived so that no one trusts anyone clusterfuck of moving meat. Don't be too harsh... YouTube does have community guidelines and you wouldn't want to be banned because of something you said to lil ol me right?

id: 42324 - Text: After seeing all the comments of men thinking every woman in porn is abused, I think I understand. You guys watch hardcore porn. Really rough stuff. That's the true reason why you guys "say" you stopped. You were already sick individuals and now that you think the girl may not have been acting (although continues to make more videos). Here's an idea! Stop watching revenge porn and thinking it's everyone! That's just your twisted mind. Watch regular porn like normal people smh. My former boss is a porn star. No drugs, No abuse, she just likes sex and she gets paid. You people are pathetic. It's one thing to understand that some are abused. It's another to act like every actress is doing the revenge porn that you're into. Smh "Oh my life is so much better after I quit" BS. These guys still beat their meat meaning they found some other stimulation.

id: 42331 - Text: What did you think porn is? lMAO! They know from the beginning they were being subjected to sexual atrocities for the pleasure of men like you..they didn't walk into an office and just start getting fucked in the ass it was their choice.

id: 42333 - Text:  @someoneyouknow5040  it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out or be able to believe that a HUGE majority of women who are in this industry were sexually abused. Or have some type of trauma. You don't need to be a psychiatrist to understand this simple thing. But unfortunately we live in a world today where people argue hard science and biology. I can assure you if you raise your daughters the right way 9/10 they will not end up like this girl. I have tried to post the think twice now and it keeps deleting my comment. Again not rocket science to understand that abused women and women with low self esteem join this industry. No woman that is confident or has any self worth will not join that Industry. Look at marilyn Monroe. She had a horrible childhood. And look at how she turned out. She had very low self esteem and felt worthless. It's very sad. And the only way to fix that is to raise children the correct way with correct traditional gender roles. Raise boys to be strong men and girls to be REAL feminine women. I guess you live under a rock if you don't understand this extremely simple concept. Almost every interview on this show has a broken family attached to it and a damaged person. This woman is one of many. 91%! Google it. Let's not forget our education system and medical system is a joke today. You have doctors who are extremely biased to the left. So I don't flaunt my degree. Unfortunately the real psychiatrists and doctors are leaving in droves because of the bad name.

id: 42337 - Text:  @dontcallmebaby  Don't kid yourself though. The rare exception is not the rule. The vast majority of people in this type of industry do come from rough backgrounds of some sort - abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, mental health issues, screwed up, drugged out parents, struggled really badly in school, etc. It is very rare for a woman who was raised by a loving and supporting family and doesn't have a severe trauma or mental illness to choose this line of work.

id: 42350 - Text: Great post. It is probably the rule rather than the exception. Porn is a sickness. I should know I've watched enough. Good money for women as they abuse their own bodies. 😪 Sex supresses those times she is crying about.
