31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 53720 - Text: well i see, i sent you an e-mail about a week and a half ago, and no answer to it, and this is your 3rd upload, i been waiting incase you were on tour again, but 3 video's later and no still no answer and 2 of the videos were live feeds, i guess i will not ask anything else

id: 53755 - Text: I hope she’s doing better. I know this video is from 3 years ago. You’re in my prayers Latoya❤️🙏🏼

id: 53784 - Text: I don't understand... does she or does she not have a sister? She says in the first video "I'm [my mom's] only daughter" but then also alludes to "my sister"..? I don't think it could be a sister on her dad's side either, as she states multiple times that she never knew who her dad was since her mom had men in and out, but that he and her mom were cousins.

id: 53789 - Text: Wow. Another heartbreaking interview that I only found because it was mentioned in Rogan's podcast. @SoftWhiteUnderbelly / Mark, Have you ever received any video's requests from her Twins? I'd love to hear their story, how they feel about their Mom & Grandmother & if they sought help via Nar-anon to help them digest this generational trauma. ((Hugs)) to her kids.

id: 53829 - Text: I swear everyone of these videos makes me a better parent

id: 53846 - Text: She’s gonna need some help and assistance with many aspects of her life. Hopefully there are some good Christian people watching these videos who live close to this demoralized area. If not, maybe some of us Christians looking for a mission field can venture in that direction.

id: 53907 - Text: i'm so sorry that you suffered such unimaginable pain all your life. Thank you for sharing your story and j\even just speaking on your story. This (and the first Latoya video) was one of the most heart-wrenching videos from your series. Keep an eye on Latoya <3 Thank you for helping her, I know you are behind the scenes. even if you dont address that on the channel. a man like you, he helps without looking for praise.

id: 53948 - Text: Uh Oh. I was really touched by the last video, but didn't she say she was an only child? Two minutes into this video she says she was the oldest and had two younger siblings. The cynic in me is creeping in.

id: 53964 - Text: I’ve never felt so helpless as I do while watching Latoya’s videos and I’ve got it good in my life. Wishing nothing but good things for her.

id: 54024 - Text: Mark, I'm no therapist, I never even graduated high school, but if I were ever to ever visit California, I would literally try to track her down just to sit down and tell her how her mother treated her wasn't her fault. She needs intensive therapy, I actually believe she can recover is she starts understanding her traumas, and of course, if she is taught how to live a "normal" life.. like how to pay bills ect. It sounds like she has PTSD amongst a number of other mental illnesses from the terrible shit that has happen to her. She needs to be facilitated for a while, in a place that will actually help her recover. You giving her the opportunity to let this out is so healing in itself. I just watched the first video, and they are both absolutely just the most gut wrenching video you've ever put out, and possibly the saddest thing I've ever had to hear in my entire life. Shit like this is the exact reason I spend hours reading and really researching how to be the best mother I can be to my son, I want him to have absolutely no childhood trauma and it's the biggest goal I have in life. I commend you for meeting with these people and allowing the folks that slipped through the cracks somehow or were literally just completely failed by their parents/guardians speak about their traumas and life today, it's incredible. You're doing a damn good job, and this is one hell of a hobby you have here. Keep up the good work, my friend.
