10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 49688 - Text: Nice one - take away their pay check cos u can’t handle that they are real people 🙄 Ps .always pay for porn !!!

id: 49691 - Text:  @heatherbukowski2102  they are, often. I know some girls who do this because they like it, and they found a nice envirorment. It is a work, they see it in a different way and I admire it a lot. They inspire me freedom! Idk if you know Reiley Reid, go watch some interwiev.. she's married, she does porn, she says whitouth drama that she sucked her uber once because she wanted to.. I mean, she's free, and I admire her a lot. (Im sorry for typos Im not an english speaker)

id: 49703 - Text:  @traktor8513  unfortunately people in all walks of life have a past of abuse. Bankers, waitresses, nurses, and especially Hollywood. The #metoo movement wouldn't have taken off if abuse wasn't everywhere. Working in porn isn't a symptom of their past😉

id: 49706 - Text: I honestly don't get this comment. Watching porn enables her as far as I see it. It was her way out. I would consider donating to porn more than donating to foster care after listening to this.

id: 49708 - Text:  @Naallaa  im not a porn watcher, well not much. bad marriage and im pretty old. some of these people are so damaged..Im commenting because this jesse guy must have been a real asshole. His comment isnt even still on here.

id: 49714 - Text: +Traktor85 To each their own, and if you want to stop watching it, that’s your choice and it should be respected. That said, I find it odd that you posted this comment on THIS video, when she didn’t say anything negative about her experience with porn, or make it seem like the trauma she experienced at a young age had anything to do with her getting into porn. It honestly makes it seem like you’re grandstanding/virtue signaling/fishing for likes.

id: 49715 - Text: Yes, that is the porn industry, Picking Broken make Money Out of Them, using Them sexual to make Money. They let do this with themselfes, cause they are used to it

id: 49716 - Text:  @Naallaa  #noporn #nofap porn is a like Heroin tonyou brain.u loose ,by using IT alot Dipamin, Östrogen and Dopamin ....makes depressed. U feel tired after watching, less able to concentrate ,losing Focus. Stop using porn for your boby and soul. IT Changes your braun, your Motivation and braun structure. So ist for u

id: 49720 - Text: Even If The Person Is Delusional And Thinks They Enjoy This I Felt Bad. Porn Is Gross. That's Another Human, A Daughter Or Mother. No One Wants That. No One.

id: 49721 - Text:  @Evolution_10_X  So the abuse of young women is the problem right. Young women and children should be protected from abuse and neglect isn't it? Men should learn to be good to women right? So it's not really even about pornography but about men abusing women and children right?
