31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 54233 - Text: First video ever that made me emotional

id: 54240 - Text: This whole video made me cry. You can tell she has a beautiful soul that has been tortured and beaten down.

id: 54286 - Text: I would like to know when she started using? First video may have mentioned it but I don't recall? Cuz she says she had a husband. Like I wonder what kind of woman she was. Not that she's any less of a woman now. I'm just curious. I bet she's a great person when she's clean.

id: 54292 - Text: I remember watching your first video Latoya and just like this breaks my heart that you were robbed of your childhood..if I live in Los Angeles,I would come teach you to play hopscotch...I would let you ride my bike...dont give up on life and dont think you are not good at anything...just like how you smile when you think of how good you can cook...and that is an amazing accomplishment as so many people can't cook.So please know that you are not what circumstances have allowed your life to be right now. You are much more. Just please dont give up on God. He hears your cry and he is letting you release your pain.God loves you and he sent your grandma to you when the other family members let you down. You are an amazing woman artist and a brilliant chef, and a loving mother and a loving granddaughter to her please know...a Phenomenal woman is who you are.Your day of pain will end one day..sending a big hug love and hope from London. Xx

id: 54359 - Text: What would be extremely helpful in these videos is if we the viewers could have contact information (Facebooks, Instagrams, Emails, P.O. Box info, etc) for the persons interviewed. Sooooo many of us would like to directly help these individuals but are left clueless after watching. Many of us have the resources, referrals and means of support but it’s a dead end after these videos are aired. If you really want to HELP these people and not just exploit their stories for views/likes help bridge the gap completely. How can WE your viewers get involved? Has anyone got in contact with this beautiful spirit? I have a residential home contact that would love to “house” her immediately!!

id: 54361 - Text: Agreed!! Like I would LOVE to help these people that he has interviewed but I can’t get a reply back on how to do so. I would love to send this woman a care package and make sure she gets it directly!! This video, amongst a lot of them, broke my heart to pieces.

id: 54379 - Text: Mark, thank you for sharing God with Latoya. I’m praying one day she will see that humans in her life did this to her and God gave her survival skills to get through it. God clearly hasn’t lost hope in her which is why he brought her this far. It’s not too late for Latoya, I wish I could hug her. I’m still praying that one day I find my step daughter through your videos. 🙏🏽

id: 54422 - Text: I've watched testimonials like these made by a guy in detroit. Years ago. He used just his phone to record the videos. Placing people in front of this bckg and rembrant light gives them a dose of dignity they never had. What you are doing is better than throwing money at the problem. Putting a face and a name to it makes a world of difference to all that think they could never find themselves in the same predicament.

id: 54440 - Text: Just so everyone is aware; in the previous videos comment section there is someone claiming to be her sister and says she is making everything up. She replied to multiple threads you cant miss her comments. I am not trying to help or hurt anyone I just want the truth

id: 54443 - Text: Watched almost all of these videos and this one got me the most. My heart goes out to her. Is there anything going on to support her or anything?
