58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 42801 - Text: Ugh. There are a lot of days in a month since the last test. There is a saying that goes "you have sex with everyone you and your partner have had sex with". If you do all the combinations and permutations, having sex on the set, you could be having sex with a million people (who get tested once a month).

id: 42809 - Text: The smiling is a natural response to positive attention. But has led to dreadful, unexpected and unwanted sexual advances. But even worse than the physical and sexual abuse is the complete abandonment by her whole family as a small child. Can you imagine the loneliness? The feeling of total rejection and being alone in the world? No one to protect you from harm? No one to help or love or teach you? I cannot. That would permanently mess me up. Just because you're pretty or gorgeous, does not mean we want every person stating the obvious. Wow you're beautiful! Wow you look great! This goes for good looking men too. Please stop enforcing visual value in people. This is what makes us want more attention like a drug. As a child, the pretty kid is much more likely to be noticed, get preyed on, groomed and sexually abused. And much more likely if there is no natural father or older brothers to defend their sisters. Almost all public acceptance is visually external. So there is little internal person moral development. Why good looking people should dress down, stop wearing make up, cut off their long hair, wear baggy pants and a frumpy shirt. This will prevent unwanted attention and allows a person to be in a group of people without being swarmed by creepy guys.

id: 42848 - Text: I knew she was going to say she was abused sexually & physically but wow 😮 the poor girl has been through a LOT , being put in a foster home thinking she’s safe but again abused & starved 🤦🏻‍♀️😞!!! It was nice to see her smile & laugh she seems such a nice lass ( as we say in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿) I hope her husband is genuine & not using her as she has been through enough!!! Also it’s great that everyone is tested every month & that she is doing her job in a safe environment , I hope to see a follow up with Luna P.s/ Mark I came across your channel a few months ago & habe watching videos ever since lil mama always sticks in my mind & An Li I wish them all the best in life & for the future. Thanks again from Fiona in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 for another interesting video 👍🏻

id: 42890 - Text: 7:00 whyyyyy did you film her naked????? She’s been sexually exploited enough!!!!!!! I’m mad 😡

id: 42927 - Text: Always thought that Luna was Super Sexy ! She just has this really natural thing going on but then she's also able to play many roles... the shy girl, the Teacher ! The farmer's daughter & the Girl Next Door.... She's so versatile & to top it off she burns & she seems laid back, I'm down w/ that.....

id: 42976 - Text: Cursed with irresistible beauty and sexuality, she is such a sweet soul - she really needed protection from the world, not to be used & abused - so sad - I will pray for Luna to know peace

id: 42997 - Text: She’s been sexualized her entire life and I was shocked when the black and white still shot of her was a sexualized pic. I wished you would have taken a photo of her fully clothed and not sexualized … deep down she wants to be loved and respected for the person she is.. she knows no other and you had the opportunity to treat her as a legit model and I feel you failed her

id: 43015 - Text: Marks not known for forcing people into situations. Hes allowing her to express herself. Im guessing it was her idea. Probably because of her years of sexual conditioning.

id: 43034 - Text: Feel super bad for her but porn is never the way to go. And a high sex drive can be settled with your husband lol.

id: 43154 - Text: Sorry but that is a crock of shit about the porn's a horrible industry. Her husband is a shithead for allowing that. She is a victim of horrible abuse and now she is being victimized as a sex worker. Porn is garbage.
