31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 54475 - Text: This video gave me a wake up call to spend EXTRA time w/my children. Hug & kiss them more, even tho, they’re teenagers & don’t necessarily like that😬 Us parents have a HUGE impact on our children. Hugging Latoya in prayer & hopeful that she will find her faithfulness in God.

id: 54490 - Text: I watch mostly all your videos you post & this one really broke my heart. Every single video these people explain how their childhood was so messed up. We have to save these children. A child is only a child for a small period of time... I wish there was a way I could save all the kids

id: 54566 - Text: All these videos are fascinating, most of these people have a "morphology" or a "look"...they look rough right? Any commentary on physically why the people he interviews age so quick, why they have so many tattoos, etc....all look so similar. It is EERY.

id: 54578 - Text: Watch my short videos since y’all know some shit

id: 54579 - Text: I’ll show y’all a video right now

id: 54592 - Text: Go watch my video

id: 54594 - Text: What is comes down to is we see someone who is drug-addicted. How did she become that way? Something happened in her life which led up to this. Is the woman in the video not addicted to drugs? There seems to be more emphasis put on whether or not she is lying rather than whether or not she needs saving.

id: 54597 - Text: I’m not some random stranger that would just lie like that, this is really my sister watch my video

id: 54602 - Text:  @clarencegray9880  This woman looks like she hit hard times. Aged beyond her years and this doesn't come from living a normal existence. Even if she ran away, there's no way in hell you can tell me that the woman in the video is living a healthy existence. Does she look like the same sister you recognized the last time you saw her?

id: 54614 - Text: Okay 14:27 in the video she said she finish high school right, but at first she said she couldn’t go to school, now how does that make since
