10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 49784 - Text: It's funny because every porn girl seems to have a husband who "accepts" her doing porn? yeah right LOL What they DON'T tell you is, these girls' husbands cheat left and right. None of them are faithful.......why would they be?? They have the ultimate "get out of jail free-cards" for cheating. Some of them even demand that their wives "bring girls home" for possible threesomes to make up for the sex she has in porn.

id: 49788 - Text:  @traktor8513  Preach! Bro I had to stop watching porn for the same reason. For educational purposes, I'm a woman and I do BDSM. So I'm definitely not a prude. I'm not afraid to say that I have been sexually assaulted either. Its horrifically common and especially so for sex workers.

id: 49793 - Text: ABUSE is SHOCKINGLY common in porn actresses. it's tragic. These people need to be helped, not exploited by an industry that takes advantage of people in need.

id: 49794 - Text: So you were under the preconception that all porn stars come from intact, healthy families?…..hi, I’m earth, have we met?

id: 49795 - Text:  @mtb416  some people think porn is borderline real... I had a friend ask me how pornographers were able to get strange girls off the street to get in their van to hook up with them... 🤣

id: 49798 - Text:  @barbaramiller9660  porn Is not poison this is one girls story and I'm sure there is many like hers but there are ppl with bad up bringing in every profession.I personally have a couple friends in the industry who love it and are strong independent woman who do it of there own volition who had normal upbringings.. porn Is a healthy way I am female I watch it my husband watches it we watch it together and can act out fantasy we wouldn't be able to without porn. I'm going to assume your an older lady and are nieve yo what's going on these days and are stuck in the past were sex was a no no and woman who enjoy and partake are dirty lol

id: 49799 - Text:  @jesslaxton86  no you don't have to have serious issues to do porn tons of healthy happy woman do it its a very lucrative career and who doesn't love sex... probably you am I right?

id: 49804 - Text: Fantasy? How on Earth could porn be a fantasy? This is the devaluation of sex.

id: 49809 - Text: I truly did not expect her praising the porn industry after all that. The way she tells it is as if she’s having a great time, opposite to most stories I’ve heard from ex-pornstars. It’s the only part where you see her smiling from joy in the video. She says it’s thanks to her agent, but I think she’d still have a great time without it because she really likes the sex business. Let me make it clear that I do not condone porn, to me it’s just exploitation of both, male and female alike, and it objectifies the human element, but I also understand that every person has the right to do what they deem best for themselves. Every person is an individual and they make their own decisions whether we like it or not.

id: 49812 - Text:  @SelfBiasedCybernaut  Help me understand why you think porn inherently objectifies men and women.
