31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 54870 - Text: This is very hard to watch, my heart goes out for her, it makes me so sad to hear her story because I was molested as a kid and I know how she feels, ppl who do this to kids need to fucking die. I hope she gets the help she needs and gets true support. I never comment on these videos but I just had to, she’s so hurt and she don’t know how to keep it all in anymore, god someone help her please!

id: 54910 - Text:  @QuinnieMae  meh, she's right she was responding to a really rude comment from a guy with a satanic username. I've been raped and abused and I need people to know Jesus wouldn't condone that to children, Jesus Christ would order child rapists to death. Leading a child astray, no forgiveness. I felt the way she felt all the time, the end of her last video she spoke of God as an abusive relationship. Yeah. Well Jesus isn't that God, he's a man. And I'm a human, and God has not changed a thing but Jesus died because their government was abusing children, selling people, killing everyone and exiling the sick. We are all God's children. Jesus spoke for humanity still

id: 54964 - Text: Oh man. This one was hard for me. 😞 I hope she reaps any benefits that come from the video

id: 54976 - Text: I've watched both her videos and her story kills me. So sad... she could've been an amazing person. You can tell that she has an amazing heart.

id: 55011 - Text: This really breaks my heart.I see how deep her pain is and because of a childhood similar to hers I can actually feel her pain to a certain degree.I too suffered molestation and rape at a young age,dropped out of school and lived a very wild and promiscuous life.I married at the age of 21 and then took in another form of abuse from my ex husband,at the age of 24, which lead to drug abuse and alcohol,I was about to drive my car off a embankment and take my life.I then had my first encounter with God at that very moment that I would have been going off the road I heard a voice and I knew it was a voice because it frightened me and I burst out crying and grip the steering wheel and stayed on the road.I once had so much pain in my life that I thought I was cursed.Just like her,I carried the weight of all that pain and after so many people had hurt me I thought that I deserved the hurt bc I had the issue.This story really touches me to the core.I am so glad that the man making the video hugged her because that’s all she really wants in life is love not realizing she can have a lot more.Only God can destroy the thoughts in her mind and heal her heart.People who have kids should be held accountable for the upbringing of those kids until the child gets a certain age.These kids don’t get to pick and choose who their parents are and they suffer because of neglect and abuse that’s left untreated as a adult.Her mom and dad is responsible for most of her trauma but she has to know she can’t continue to hold on to this hurt and try to live a productive life in society with all these pains.My heart truly goes out to her and if she reads these comments I want you to know I love you and so does so many others,people who don’t even know you.You are a beautiful woman and you didn’t deserve any of that treatment from those who have hurt you.I am praying for you and believing that your last days will be greater,I can see why you don’t believe in God but my faith is believing that God is going to show you who he is and how he blesses.The Bible says the last shall be first and you have definitely been last long enough!Your tears will be wiped away and your mourning will turn to joy!Don’t ever give up on yourself!

id: 55027 - Text: She ran away from that messed up home a few times in the 1990s. Ask her about that. Even then she would say her mothers friend tried to do things to her. She was really nice to my family & a spanish family that lived next to her. She almost looks the same as she did back then. She was always athleti looking but her mom was off the chain and would lose it if she started playing outside. Many of us (neighbors &family) have seen her sadness but this video went deeper than the rants we have heard from her. I dont know if her mom used drugs but she always yelled at the kids alot. very badly. The grandmother would come by w/ bags of food & all of the yelling would chill. I almost cannot look at the video bcuz it tells me that maybe ppl could have helped her back then. And now thousands of kind strangers are willing to do what they can moreso than my family and the ones that watched her as a kid and just felt sorry for her. But what did we know? It makes me sad that each tear and comment she says is attatched to someone hurting that little girl that wasnt alowed to ply or run with us.

id: 55033 - Text: The way these videos are filmed adds to the emotion of the video. I think the stories are interesting but also the colors and background. This is the craziest story I've ever heard in my life.....

id: 55048 - Text: Update: thank you all for your comments/likes! In light of Mark starting his GoFundMe account, I'm going to donate funds there so he can allocate resources as he sees fit. He helps these individuals off the videos a lot and deals with then daily so he knows exactly what they need. I trust that he will allocate the funds to those that need it most, like Latoya here. I'd like to setup a GoFundMe page for her so we can get her an apartment. Please like this so Mark sees this and can send me her contact details.

id: 55050 - Text: If you're bitchin' because your life is bad, watch this video......

id: 55059 - Text: wow... really? not the place for pathetic views on abortion. How about aborting that mindset, because here - now - this IS life & there is one who is living it. Is it too much to be present with it? Too real? Too painful? Well, one thing we know about life is - - it hurts. It hurts to be born & it hurts to live at times. Maybe we should focus on getting life instead. Maybe we should make choices that support life. Conversations that bring life. Or is it too hard to encourage? I know.. life hurts. But hurt people hurt people. Healed people, heal people. I am not judging your political view, but making that comment here was totally insensitive & lacked any reverence or connection to the life that was shared on this video.
