58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 44901 - Text: I feel sorry for these girls. No one ever deserves to have an adult, especially your parents to hit or sexually assault them. They will pay for those things one day! If someone like myself don't get to them first, karma will. Them a Higher Power will also punish them in after life. There's always choices to. There are other places you can move to have a better life and work regular job. Money doesn't buy happiness! I realize you need it to live, but you can choose the right path now if you want. Good Luck girl! Your loved by myself and there are still good people in this world! You just need to seek them out. I know it must be hard to trust people now, but I believe in you! Take care and may your Higher Power bless the rest of your life!

id: 44948 - Text: Why didn’t you ask her what is sex like with husband, after a porn shoot?

id: 44954 - Text: Okay... so let me see if I understood correctly... now she s a married woman, now she s a mother and she s still doing that job? And her husband "loves" her so much that he let her have sexual relations with other men? God... what a world we live in......... I understand that she had a hard and ugly childhood, and I m really sorry for her and I really pray that she will be able to "heal her wounds", but ... seriously, she can have a respectable and honest job also. Especially now she is a married woman and a mother! Oh, or not... she said she started that job already being a married woman and a mother, right? God....... My dear, but how do you feel about that it s possible that one day your child, your "best friend" will see that kind of videos with you on the internet? And not videos with his mother and his father together (but, that would also be wrong to be seen), but videos with his mother having sexual relations with various men ... I m sorry, but for me both you and your husband are two mentally ill people. Two parents who don t really care about their child. Two married people who don t really love each other, if you really loved him, you wouldn t do what you do, and if he really loved you, he wouldn t accept that you do what you do. I could understand (I could never accept, but.. somehow.. in a way, I could understand) her job if she really was an alone person, but like this ... being a married woman, being a mother....... I m sorry, but from my point of view, it s completely unacceptable, completely wrong, completely bad.

id: 44966 - Text: I'm not sure of the circumstances on how the head to feet shot is decided on , but I find it disturbing that we hear about the abuses ( physical emotional and sexual) she's gone through yet here we are watching her be sexualized again in the picture. Why not with clothes on ?? It's kind of hypocritical. Maybe that's not the word but it's just not right IMO.

id: 44975 - Text: Being able to dissociate is a marketable skill in the sex industry.

id: 44982 - Text: I have never watched porn much at all,i wont lie and say i never have but ever since i woke up and learned of the links to child abuse,sex trafficking,white slavery,mk ultra beta sex programming etc i just cant watch it anymore,it funds nasty shit which i wont be a part of..wish this brave young lady Luna all the best in life 💚🙌

id: 45007 - Text: There's one thing I can't really know about pornography. Is it really that the characters have real sex on camera or it it's still edited to make it look real?

id: 45086 - Text: It's hilarious to read your comment. This is her life and she has values different than yours. To her, sex is very valuable in our society and is willing to earn a living at it and in the meantime, have fun at her job. Why do you want to press your vanilla morals onto another? If those vanilla morals work for you, keep with it and stay out of the bedrooms of other's.

id: 45094 - Text: There are several clips on this channel of male child-sexual abuse... Maybe watching them might be therapeutic...? Just remember this-- your abusers are the ones who should feel shame and regret! It's likely they were abused and chose to go down that path themselves...? Hard to say what it takes to break the cycle but regardless you're so much better than those guys...

id: 45095 - Text: My heart goes to you. You are not alone i was also sexually assaulted. Stay strong you are safe now!
