58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 45097 - Text: I pray for all our young brave women and men who experienced sexual, mental, physical abuse 💜

id: 45128 - Text: Luna you are loved!!!! God loves you and before anyone scoffs, I was her (without the porn but I tried the stripper thing - didn't work out well, but still). This is older so I'm sure Mark has gained more insight. I too always put up a tough brave front but it's a defense mechanism. I still to this day have trouble asking for help when I need it. My maternal grandmother was abusive (just 1 of many, at least hers wasn't sexual like others in my life), but she would constantly gossip to others in the family that we (my autistic sister) were effing little beggars and that did so much damage to me a shaped so much in my life. Don't get me wrong, the abuse of verbiage and sexual did it's own damage. This beautiful lady has so many scars that there isn't enough time to share it all. God bless and keep you Luna!! 🙏 🙏 I know your son is a blessing as was mine. I didn't know it at the time and was foolishly lied to about abortion and I cannot thank God enough for not allowing that to happen. I love my blessing of a son so much I would lay down my life for him. May you all be blessed 🙌

id: 45237 - Text: What do prostitutes benefit from porn nothing but psychological and sexual diseases.. they are like commodities to be sold ..

id: 45238 - Text: Man, I'm such an asshole! I should stop watching porn and start helping people more! Pleeez, kick me in my stupid ass. Ok, I'm alone with no wife, no kids and no sex. So, in sum way I can see why I'm doing it.... But there IS a better way. Kick me in m my butt!

id: 45255 - Text: I am really taken back by the length of the nude shot. What was the point of that. This woman has already been so sexualized?

id: 45305 - Text: Very impressive mindset tho. Happiness is something you can choose but i don’t understand when sex is something that’s a horror in your life why would you want to do that for a living

id: 45308 - Text: Does anyone else laugh at these understanding husbands that allow their wife’s to have sex with multiple men quitting there you know what wherever they can find it place to put it. What kind of man allows other men have sex with his wife? Well the answer is he’s not a man he’s a pimp. This girl is still being abused it’s never stopped and that’s the saddest thing of all she’s not happy and what does she say it’s OK it’s all right that’s what she’s been told to say her whole wife no it’s not OK this woman’s better than this she can do a lot more than just have sex with dirtbags . I for one hate pornography it is evil it is damaging it is harmful for everyone involved may God help these people and they they help themselves with gods help. Preacher PaulD . You hear how she just walks it out the industry how it’s so wonderful and the people are so wonderful and is so good sounds like a church the church of pornography nice do you want to wear a countries going to hell what a shame these people they need prayer they need real love they need to be healed.

id: 45322 - Text: Sexual Abuse lasts forever, so should the punishment 😢

id: 45340 - Text: I think porn stars and strippers use the sex industry as a way to try to normalize their abuse and gain a false sense of "control" over it.

id: 45358 - Text: Stop spinning around already and just tell your story! If you can't handle the interview then you shouldn't agree to do it in the first place. You can handle getting filmed having sex for money but break down just interviewing!?
