31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 58987 - Text:  @bexleybeyond7524  who knows..he may not have gotten paid shit ...he may have BEGGED mark to put him on a video ...he truly sounds idiotic so i don't think he could fool any remedial person with that nonsensical jibber jabber, let alone the interviewer...

id: 59012 - Text: The whole video was a joke

id: 59231 - Text: I just saw a video of a girl who starts by telling the interviewer her father had a video showing himself raping her at 4 yrs old . That was enough for me to become sick and girgitate. I can't handle the ugliness of rape to kids . Rape to teens, rape at any level to women. The act is torment inflicted and permanent trauma to a human being. Sickening enough to make anyone with human kindness hate the world and it's existence with stolen innocence from others . I unsubscribed immediately. Too much for human consumption and heart wrenching hate for ugliness that exist in and around us.

id: 59264 - Text: The heart break in this interview. On her face. In her voice. In her stories. Hard to watch this compared to the other similar videos.

id: 59272 - Text: How can I help her because watching this video really did something to me I feel wut she saying like I pray for her and her safety

id: 59314 - Text: I've watched almost all of your videos. And this one absolutely broke my heart. This poor girl really needs to be saved

id: 59323 - Text: I might take a beating in the comments for this, and I hope I am wrong. And if I'm wrong then I really apologize to the person conducting the interview and the girl. I've been doing interrogations and studying human behavior, and body language for nearly my entire life. I've watched this interview all the way thru 6 times. It feels like to me like this is some story she normally tells to drug counselors to just get out of treatment, or that she tells "clients" to garner sympathy to get more money for her and her "boss". Which (and I could be wrong) she probably tried with the interviewer here or later down the road. Let me give some context... (0:46) (3:02) People generally believe if you're staring into someone's eyes while talking, you're telling the truth (which is not true at all). We call this the "romancer", because they hold way more eye contact than normally appropriate. And her arms and hands are pretty guarded (like a child caught stealing cookies). It took me a bit to get her baseline, but then it's pretty easy to read this one. She has a lot of small movements (tells) that she gives off when telling the truth or is being deceptive. Pause it right at (3:06) eyebrows up, chin down, strong eye contact, guarding vital/reproductive organs, and you can almost see a slight smile (dupers delight). There's no stress in her forehead at all, which is bizarre to me. And no doubt she is being honest here, but how she is going about it just feels like she is saying it as though she is trying to hustle more money from the interviewer. The fact that she would even say things like this on a recorded video, and then she has to go back to him after very shady in my opinion. (2:28) This question I'm so glad you asked, because this was where all her biggest "tells" came out that you were being "worked". (22:39) This was her "close" if someone could just send her some money somewhere safe. Even if you pause it right at (22:39) you will see "dupers delight" in all it's glory. Big smile, head tilted to show vulnerability (women do this when trying to seduce a man), both eyebrows raised high, looking down (as though she is about to do something wrong subconsciously), rubbing hands together as a self-soothing gesture. Even a second or two after this she leans her whole body to the left, as in "hey, are you getting what I'm saying". This one's a real piece of work, I hoped you checked your pockets when she left! Thank you for the video, you do an amazing job.

id: 59376 - Text: i still think about her and come back to this video looking for a update. i hope she’s ok

id: 59451 - Text: Sending this vidéo the FBI.

id: 59548 - Text: This was the saddest video that I’ve seen on soft white underbelly.
