58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 45402 - Text: Sad disturbing childhood, almost always results in some form of aberrant behavior that is reflected in years of low self esteem, either due to lack of parental love, abused, bullying by others, as was the case for Putin, Hitler etc….Out of curiosity, I once had a conversation with someone who had a sex change, he told me he was always feminine and was subjected to years of bullying growing up, so he decided to undergo a sex change operation, whatever that entailed, I had no idea…people who are abused often become abusers, every action creates a reaction, positive or negative, only when, thru education, love and care can we sometime change their behavior, hopefully….

id: 45421 - Text: When you belittle CHristian marriage, and disrespect the sexual act and the family, you create children who are molested and abused. And they grow up to either do what their parents did or try to demolish the pain with porn, drugs, etc. Pop culture and irreverence has ruined the world.

id: 45464 - Text: It would be amazing if she could see the value of her understanding of intimacy and sexuality and apply that to something healthier than porn

id: 45543 - Text: Looks like good marketing for sex industry... All the best

id: 45544 - Text: Just a quick question, is the interviewer is on drugs? I saw few videos and he kept repeating what the person has already told him. I ran away when i was 16, when did you ran away? Saw it in other videos as well. Apart from that, this video depicts that someone's work doesn't define who they really are. She might have been all together a different person if her mom stood by herself. America is a sick country, and plenty of cases like these. I have heard diseases which are not even known in my country or considered as a symptom. I hope people become more responsible even if they are doing foster. Porn, sex is still a taboo for mens. Womens need respect wheather young or old, fat or thin, balck or white.

id: 45547 - Text: I think that for her she seems genuine in her statement that she's okay with what she does and she enjoys experimenting in this and that I in my mind's eye see that coming from the severe sexual abuse as a child. Obviously the pain in the trauma of her childhood and early life still very heavy. I appreciate find real true inner peace. So sad and so telling of our failed Foster Care Systems. People like myself who screwed up when they were young I'm 60 years old cuz of an incident when I was young when I was 16 I would never able to know produce children. I we could give a good home, not wealthy but not down in a dump or and I don't think it matters either way what matters is whether there is love there to give and at least all the basic needs. Manny's kids just like this young lady living in foster care of her abused there but oh they didn't have a felony record so they must be great people. I knew a couple in Florida that had a nursery plant nursery these people have 14 foster kids they all worked that Nursery they did not benefit from it they did not get money in an account and they were foster children people got good money for them no reason to have to utilize them the work at the nursery and at least not give them a benefit something in an account because they are not and we're not their permanent parent. There's tons of good people out there that would adopt but can't because of stupid rules when they could easily be vetted and looked into the sea if they are living an okay life

id: 45553 - Text: 1 minute in and the amount of sexual and physical abuse this person suffered is unfuckinbelivable. How can you bring a child into this world and then treat them in a way, then Foster parents abusing children. The world is a sick and evil place man. So sad.

id: 45572 - Text: I’m so glad that she has taken back her power with her sexuality. Although unconventional, she has controlled her connection to her body though porn and has made it a more positive place.

id: 45610 - Text: It's very common for people who were molested as kids to be hypersexual which to them makes sense to work in the porn industry, its actually the reason I believe more gay men were molested than we care to admit, thata why pride parades went from holding hands to full blown BTSM in public

id: 45638 - Text: I realize that this woman had a horrific childhood and that her mother never really loved and nurtured her and; therefore, she is still subconsciously longing to be loved. Then the system failed her as well. The thing is, it's a shame that there wasn't just one person like a therapist that could have helped her to see herself and develop herself as an authentic and independent woman. She has never been a drug or alcohol user which means she does know how to take care of herself and she has not stunted her own capacity for mental and emotional growth by self-medicating with these substances. As far as the porn and overly active sex life, that is her self-medication and if she could ever truly find someone (preferably a woman) that could help her build her confidence and self-esteem she would be able to find her own sense of individuality and grow within herself. From there she could then uncover other talents that she has that could help her to not only live a better life but experience a more fulfilling one for herself. Her husband definitely is NOT doing that for her.
