10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 50530 - Text: this is why i HATE the porn industry. they do not treat women well or fairly and they always take advantage of women who should actually be in therapy not porn

id: 50537 - Text: Luna get in touch with some good modeling agencies - try Ford, Elite, ZARZAR, Q Model management, Scout Models...look up/google the best modeling agencies in L.A. Also, no good agency will ever ask you for money for pictures. All you is one good B&W and one good color picture. Please try. I worked in the business years ago...and you are one of THE most beautiful girls I've ever seen. You could make it in film as well. Talk with a therapist, and get help if you need it to work through your past. You can be happy, healthy and successful. You, could be anything. Get OUT of porn. It won't feed your heart or soul. Follow your dreams. YOU are worth it!

id: 50557 - Text: I sometimes wonder when I see very cute pornstars or prostitutes if they just dont want to get a good guy. Im sure there are plenty of men that make good money that would be interested in a relationship with her. They really dont have to do porn or prostitution.

id: 50562 - Text: She says, "I know I'm gonna be safe, I know I'm gonna be taken care of and I know I'm not gonna be disrespected." That statement says everything about why she got into the porn industry. She's getting what she never got in childhood.

id: 50575 - Text: Shes not getting that the porn industry destroys lives shes being exploited

id: 50579 - Text: If that helps you feel better when you watch porn... sure. It takes a certain type of person to get into and stay in sex work and porn. That type is sexually abused, usually early childhood. Sex is what we know, it makes it easier but not without harm or without disrespect. She's just regurgitating what she's been told and made to believe.

id: 50580 - Text: She had traumatic childhood and she found satisfaction on porn. And she thinks this is normal. Porn is not normal.

id: 50598 - Text: You see this slot in porn. A lot of times it’s just that their sexuality is something they can control. They feel like this is how they can take charge of their body this way and it’s heartbreaking. Such an awful childhood she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders

id: 50613 - Text: She thinks her husband is a good man, as he allows her to do porn?? This poor woman, so sad

id: 50616 - Text: So everything is to blame on mom while she smiles away on porn and “abuse” of men? Nah
