58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 4266 - Text: Just because you’re a man and you were molested/raped by women doesn’t mean that I didn’t harm you. It did! that is why you are over sexualized, that is what happens when the children who don’t have the mental wherewithal to understand what’s happening get sexually molested

id: 4288 - Text: Thanking Jesus for Patrick’s recovery and praying he continues to lean into Him! Satan used sexual immorality to lure him into this lifestyle…he did me as well. BUT GOD IS BIGGER🙌🏼 God delivered me a few years ago from all kinds of evil and I wake up grateful for all God has blessed me with since! Satan is real and he rules this earth…at least for now…JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK! I pray you all find Jesus and tell everyone you know about Him! Porn is destroying lives, our culture is so immersed in Satans confusing lies…if you seek God you will find Him and He will make your path straight and The Holy Sprit will help you walk it! 🙏🏻❤️🕊

id: 4289 - Text: This guy is a sex crime waiting to happen. Has no self esteem. A smart college kid looking for hookers and smoking crack? That's not normal.

id: 4292 - Text: Interesting how in all the "rehab" that it sounds like he has been through he really didn't look at the older girls that took advantage of him when he was younger. He quickly brought that up and moved on in this interview. I not an expert but in my humble opinion the crack and the sex are his way of revisiting that trauma. It sounds like he is trying to rewrite the story and come out as the man who holds the power over the girls this time. I say this from my own journey with recovery.

id: 4332 - Text: 20:10 I get what he means I could never go to a prostitute no matter how horny I got. I really only enjoy sex as a bonding experience with one woman.That's just how my brain works, probably due to my upbringing. I didn't have an amazing childhood we were really poor living in a rural area with nothing to do and easy access to drugs. But I'm glad my parents at least taught me a lot of good values that have stuck with me throughout my life.

id: 4367 - Text: correlation???: he was molested at 4 by older girls and now has an obsession with prostitutes, sex when he's high. 🤔

id: 4382 - Text: It’s a demon that is activated while on the crack that makes you crave a prostitute and that sexual fantasy. Make no mistake as time goes on people will understand more about the demons that are associated with drugs and sex. Anytime you crave porn that is a demon that is giving those urges.

id: 4395 - Text: Genuine Dude and seems very intelligent. almost seems as though he's a sex addict too

id: 4430 - Text: he a smart guy but this is stupid habit. i spend a lot too -- but I just a side hustle panhandler -- trying to quit but it's hard. I blow threw $500 easily every 2 weeks (all donation panhandler money) but I do it in 1 night because I party like this guy with hookers motel rooms pay for sexual what ever. then stop for a couple weeks. with crack hookers they take a lot ! he's a college graduate works as civil engineer which pays well. He say he do $15,000 month crack habit -- probably not really that's including renting motel rooms, the hookers and so forth. I wish I could stop but i been 4 years getting worse😞?

id: 4436 - Text: He wants a woman to love and understand him as much as he wants crack combined with a sexual connection and instant gratification. I know it's the idealistic hopeless romantic in me, but I hope he gets clean and learns to love himself and eventually loved by someone else. I've never smoked crack, but I believe what he wants is love and understanding from a woman & If he feels true emotional and sexual connection with a soul mate, it will feel better than his crack fueled fantasies.
