58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 46374 - Text: Damn. I grew up abused and it took a lifetime to get over it. I can’t imagine sexual abuse on top of it.

id: 46404 - Text: She doesn’t sound like a girl who truly understands love which is so fucking sad, she never acknowledges her husband actually loves her only that he ‘accepts’ her which means he’s so infatuated with her hotness and watching her have sex with others that validates his accepting of her. It doesn’t really sound like she has sex with him either and that she does porn to be with others and try and feel some type of empowerment and additional validation. Also my heart goes out to her son, I don’t know if he knows what she does for a living but if so that’s gotta be one of the most awkward feelings on earth

id: 46407 - Text: I really hope he is a decent man as well. Though it's hard to believe that a decent person could know of someone's severely traumatic sexual history and "be open" to them doing porn. It will always be her decision, of course. However, it doesn't seem like there was much discussion or talks about implications, expectations, thoughts, concerns or fears. It seemed that he just kind of accepted it. Perhaps I'm in the wrong here, but that does not seem like a good sign to me at all.

id: 46418 - Text: Up to her to stay with her husband. For me it is not good for a husband to support, other men or women in their sex life. I was abused molested by four different people as a child. I had parents that loved me and my sibs. An example at tines is how a child is raised. Foster care can be unsafe. She needed love and support. An education, learn to live and respect her body. Porn is out there to make money off people's lust. A choice for those who want to see porn. Hope she leaves one day.

id: 46430 - Text: One of the richest countries in the world and we can't afford to assume a child claiming physical and sexual abuse is being honest until proven otherwise.

id: 46452 - Text: Beta Sex kitten Program

id: 46475 - Text:  @redboar    so its ok to be an asshole?u r the one who takes! nobody forces u to take the "offer" whatever People who earn money with sex make in ur eyes or acutally make. if u say so u deserve what u criticise or miss in life. Nobody has the right to treat people wrong just because u got eventually treatened wrong or miss something. U r the kind of piece of sh..whp are reason why the worl is fucked up place.take be an asshole just because u r hurt.people who hurt deserve their life that was hurting too.guess u didnt u search the mistakes in other but u r the mistake with such an attitude.happy not all men thinking like u.and with the rest of urs its ok;)Karma will do!thats a promise

id: 46478 - Text: Not only is porn terrible for your own consumption but the industry is ripe with rape, sex trafficking, and abuse. You are not helping anyone by supporting it

id: 46486 - Text: I do agree that porn is a bad habit. Half the shit on porn sights displays rape fantasies, lack of consent, and unrealistic ideas of what sex is.

id: 46495 - Text:  @jeanniewarren4643  I also tried to explain it to some men that I know but they always deny - "Some women just enjoy sex without ties". It's just wishful thinking.
