58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 46683 - Text: I'd love sex maybe I should be a porn star 🙂😅💯

id: 46693 - Text: I’m not one to judge, I don’t ask myself why, I ask myself why not when it comes to people like her and I. I have no doubt they had I not met the people I did, when I did, I wouldn’t have many options as a young adult. When you come from poverty and chaos it’s very difficult to not become a statistic in many ways. The system is fundamentally flawed and broken. We often go into foster care with the expectation to be protected only to be further traumatized and harmed in the care of the very same people who were supposed to help heal and protect you. Unless you’ve lived it, you’ll never understand just what a profound level of hurt comes from being torn away from your parents, your siblings, you’re loved ones and friends. You grow up questioning who you are and where you come from. You are treated like a chore instead of a child. You are used and abused to run farms and other places disguised to be a place of healing for the most at risk children. You are shifted, removed, thrown to, and passed around foster home to foster home, detention facility and group home. I personally saw 14+ foster homes and placements, 7+ schools, and 3 states in 12 years. Many times I was removed due to another foster sibling telling the judge of the abuse and horrors we faced in the home. I was put in detention facilities, group homes, and institutions not because I did anything wrong—but because they literally had no other place for me to go. You’ll never know what it is like as a 10 year old scared little girl to be forced to share a room with another kid who is in there for killing someone or committing a violent crime. As a foster child you can’t go over to your friends house, you can’t have sleep overs, you can’t go out of town on vacation, you can’t cut or color your hair. You can’t get dropped off at the mall with friends or spend a few hours at the skating rink. Don’t even think about going to do anything even outside in your neighborhood with friends because anywhere we go—the state must approve, background checks/fingerprints, & home studies must be done prior to doing anything with anyone else. Your childhood and any chance of a normal childhood is ripped from you. Want to take a picture with your friend? Think again! Foster Children are not allowed to be videoed and/or photographed, ever. All your friends are on social media, MySpace & AOL back in my day—if you’re a foster child you aren’t allowed access to the internet, for your “safety” remember. And if you want, I could go on and on. You’ll never understand what it does to a child’s psyche when holidays come and go and you’re the one who has to TAKE the picture or stand to the sue because you’re not allowed to be remembered. Healthcare? Forget it. You are moved so many times and so frequently there is no chance for you to build up rapport with any professional let alone get quality care. You are on state insurance and you’re nothing but a Guinea pig & experiment. When you finally trust someone that’s when you’re an experience, too. It’s no wonder so many at risk youth and foster children turn to the sex industry to survive. We’ve been taken advantage of, misused, abused, and left at the waste side our entire lives! We are labeled and destined to be a statistic with a life like this. It is not lost on me why she sells her body. Spend a few days in our shoes and you’ll understand too. I am one of 8 siblings. I have 2 full blooded siblings and out of all of us only two have managed to make it out of our childhoods relatively unscathed. That is only after years and years and years of professional help and therapy. If my therapist didn’t see value in me all those years ago I would still be heavily medicated and used as a check to this day. Make no mistake about it—no one chooses this life. This life was chosen for them far before they EVER had a choice, a chance, a voice, or an opportunity to do something different. If your still reading this, may you never know this pain. May you never see the devil face to face. 🙏🏼❤️‍🩹

id: 46712 - Text: Everybody needs to wake up to s.r.a the sex trafficking pediphilia runs deep into foster care/ child protective services. The people that take these kids away from their homes abuse them and pimp them out also. How many commercials do people see about adopting abused animals and I haven’t seen a commercial in a very long time about adopting a child. Ask they want you to do is donate money to a picture they send you.

id: 46717 - Text: You can tell she wants to take everything with a smile. She tries hard to always look happy, and act like the bad stuff does not bother her. She is a product of her parents. God bless her, I pray she finds her way, and realizes all she IS WORTH. She has so much more to offer then just sex.

id: 46723 - Text: Take a cookie jar for instance smash it on the floor then try to fix it back to normal ?? Won't ever work! Sexual abuse as a child breaks you mentally forever

id: 46729 - Text: Common denominator in all these videos. A horrible abusive sexually abused child. This is how a woman/man starts drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, porn etc. it is a vicious circle.

id: 46821 - Text: I am utterly disgusted by some creeps in these comments, good lord. You watch this video, see how absolutely broken this woman is and STILL, STILL you go on to sexualize her? Still you can only see the porn actress in her, still you can only see the ways in which she would be able to serve you instead of listening to her story and taking her seriously as a human being? The fucking audacity of some people, holy shit. I swear to god I have to stop reading comments on social media before I lose the last tiny bit of faith in humanity that is left in me.

id: 46842 - Text: I am a porn addict, but after watching these videos of porn/sex workers they melt my heart i hope some day i can people like them who can not help themselves.

id: 46896 - Text: Beautiful girl, sexy as Hell too, to bad she's been subjected to so much sexual, mental and physical abuse, if she had big brains to match her looks she'd be dangerous.

id: 46981 - Text: women are worth so much more than just for sex. look how abuse has ruined this womans life and sent her down a bad path. this isnt what sex is for, and yes i am anti porn. it ruins relationships and warps natural healthy sex
