31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 61622 - Text: Poor Baby! Faith, you truly look so sad, looks like you were fighting back tears for a good part of the video. You don’t deserve the lifestyle you were groomed into. I desperately hope you can find a way out of the prison you are in unjustly, and find a path to happiness. You CAN break out and break this cycle for your children!

id: 61645 - Text: I am so worried for her! what is going to happen if her pimp sees this?! I haven't cried over one of your videos in while Mark but her fear and pain are so palpable, I can feel it myself. I can't imagine being in the same room with her, listening to her pain and having to send her right back to it. People tell you this all the time Mark, but I pray you take care of yourself!!!

id: 61659 - Text: How could we help a specific guest u had on ur videos? I hope this young lady can be saved and give her a chance to become who she wants to become if someone just gives her that chance.

id: 61720 - Text: I hope you follow this girl with more videos down the line. I really hope you can help her, one of the few where you can see her regret and pain sincerely on her face.

id: 61778 - Text: I watched several of these videos and I never comment but GOD I must speak this young lady is SLOW seems like she have a disability I’m not judging her in any form but once she seek healing and really want help GOD light will shine through her just look at her weak so fragile GOD loves to fix what’s broken and make it whole again πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

id: 61827 - Text: Hey Mark will this video get her in any trouble? Just wondering as I listen to her bondage.

id: 61828 - Text: The saddest fucking video I’ve ever seen. Someone save this girl. Please.

id: 61840 - Text: God how sad. I will never complain about my childhood again. This poor woman. I don't have the words. I've got to stop clicking on these videos.πŸ˜”

id: 61893 - Text: That poor girl! Is it even safe for her to do this video? This country is destroying these black families... On purpose. This girl could have done so well, if she had normal parents. She is so beautiful, kind and put together.

id: 61937 - Text: Something about this interviewer really makes my spider sense go off. There is something predatory about him. I remember there were these cops that would go through Vancouver's skid row taking pictures of women, supposedly just for their art project. It's to facilitate some kind of higher level trafficking, just like this videos. And people are giving this turd hundreds of thousands of dollars.
