10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 51667 - Text: ..yet men (mostly) still chose to jack off to it. I hate porn and everything it stands for. Her husband is a douche

id: 51668 - Text: Even if it does, it still provides to those people. It's easy to say that they take advantage but in reality Luna also said that she loves it and it fullfils her. Also, she feels safe in the business as there are safety measures. Not to mention the income she must have, I assume 6 digits. I would also argue, although I'm not an expert, that the unconscious plays a big role in these stories. I mean, people in the porn industry usually have some sexual fixation which can originate from young age due to abuse, molestation, rape. Then a question arises, whether the porn industry isn't a collective expression of broken people. In that case it wouldn't take advantage of broken people but exist as a manifestation of their mind.

id: 51671 - Text:  @1adadada  every man who does is broken too, but the degree is different, the same sexual wounds manifest in different shades. Free porn 1 click away means free dopamin hit 1 click away, it's a serious addiction, a serious drug. Women can help men with this addiction by being virtuous, loyal, looking to marry and have children. But how many women like that there are? Not many, I have never dated one. So while men try to kick their porn addiction, maybe women could try to kick their addiction to "not needing a man" and sleeping around and killing babies. Let's both do our parts? :)

id: 51674 - Text:  @jesse-4198  the first part of a negative addiction is always glorifying it, be it alcohol, porn, what ever. People in this stage think it's the greatest thing ever. To see the reality, look for people at the end of the arc of addiction, look for people who grew out of it, people who healed. Do not be fooled by the first stage of addiction because people in this stage genuinely believe their drug of choice is the best thing that ever happened to them, they need to suffer more to wake up, so let them suffer, but do not be fooled.

id: 51682 - Text:  @SomebodyLikeXeo  No woman loves doing porn or is fulfilled by it. Not one. I don’t care what they say. Not one is. Go back and talk to them in a few years or hopefully decades (if they live that long). It’s a nice little story degenerate people who watch porn like to tell themselves to ease their guilt about masturbating over vulnerable, abused and broken people.

id: 51684 - Text:  @jesse-4198  How many porn stars do you know who are retired, well adjusted happy people with lots and lots of money to last them their entire lives? I’ll wait.

id: 51685 - Text: Mr Color Completely untrue. Women who watch porn is drastically lower than men, and they’re usually led into it because of men. It doesn’t affect women the same way that it affects men, different chemicals are released in the brain. Women make onlyfans, they don’t subscribe to onlyfans. They aren’t watchers, they’re content creators. No different from porn. Those are the trends you see in the academic literature. Men seem to need confirmation all the time that women like and need sex as much as they do which is not true.

id: 51686 - Text:  @MmmMulholland  please clarify, judging by your other comments we both agree that porn is not good or healthy, so perhaps you directed your message to the wrong person? Also, if you wish to comment something, say something, just saying something is stupid without anything to back it up is saying absolutely nothing, it's just wasting time, your's mostly.

id: 51689 - Text: Now research who runs the porn industry.. The same wicked entity that runs Hollyweird..

id: 51696 - Text: Watching porn takes advantage of broken people
