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id: 461293 - Text: ​ @VP-bx2jj  "It's undignified because it's undignified." this is not logic. People sell their bodies when they do labor for pay. Sex work is work. You find it shameful because you have a bias based on hollow logic.

id: 461311 - Text: Yeah right... I don’t believe her... why would you pick sex work if she had so many other options because she's "so smart" 🤔

id: 461316 - Text: She might be smart but she still is driven by money. You compromise who you are when you value something else more. I agree sex should not be put on pedestal in either direction, but this woman is valuing money above all else.

id: 461318 - Text: I LOVE HER! As a woman who holds a PhD in English, is a teacher, and was raised in a super conservative family, I am ALL FOR what she is doing. She is giving women the space to be multi-faceted in an environment that has so often painted women who are outwardly/overtly sexual as one-dimensional, dumb, and vapid. And girl, don't get me started on the your/you're issue - there/their/they're is another one. 😂😂😂😂 I would love to be her friend - she gets it.

id: 461323 - Text: We need to normalize normal. Why does every question more or less have to be, "why do you think you turned to sex work?" I see it differently now that I was exposed to a daughter in law being in the industry, but I wish people who want to do this don't have to lose family and friends respect and sometimes whole relationships are lost. GL Jaz, u do u! I know you will!

id: 461324 - Text: No it's not religion that complicates it. It's a faithfulness issue n a moral issue, especially if they r married. Sex isnt bad, but using u body n puttin it all out ther 4 da cingaling n 2 entice men or woman is. U r helpin cause men 2 b unfaithful n can tell u love da power n control ova this fact. U will give an acc 2 God on judgement day, as we all will.

id: 461326 - Text: As someone who worked with survivors of the sex trade and trafficking for a decade, I am frustrated with the "softer" less dangerous side of SW like OF. Sitting safely being a computer, some young women do it thinking it's easy cash or to feel a little edgy with their privileged lives then say "SW is work" and preach things forgetting about the many many women involved who aren't safe, came as a result of SA, trauma, abuse, addiction etc etc etc

id: 461329 - Text:  @rumham7466  what kind of insanity is your take though? How many more thousands of years of shunning human sexuality do you think we need to 'try' making it illegal or pretending it doesn't exist before you will accept that is not working?

id: 461331 - Text: ​ @saphire9823  Well. To be honest I don't buy into the argument that sex work is work, at least not with certain caveats. For instance, asking my handy coworker if he can come over one evening and help me install dry walls is very different from asking an attractive coworker if she can over over and let me pay her for a good time. Paying for a service is not the single criteria that constitutes a service/job in my opinion, another example is pimping or dealing drugs etc. Another thing, since you mention sex workers sitting safely behind a computer; it's good that it's safe, but it may still contribute to normalization of abuse, for instance by accepting payment from "customers" for demeaning/perverse behaveour.

id: 461341 - Text:  @SirArghPirate  bad analogy based arguments are the sign of a garbage brain. Using an analogy is supposed to expose a core idea with greater truth, not be used as a proof by contradiction. Trying to make a proof by made up anecdotal contradiction is conspiracy theory logic. Which is to say, it comes from trash brains. Your analogy is that if you can't ask a friend to do work for you, it must be fundamentally bad for that to be a job. Which is arguing for proof by contradiction. Okay so say I'm female and a friend is a gynecologist. It's weird if I ask them to come over and check out this weird bump on the inside of my labia. Oh look I proved that gynecology should be illegal because it's a job you wouldn't feel comfortable having a friend help you out with. Let's try another example to really hammer home how crap your brain is at logic. Say you have a coworker who is a lawyer and previous to this corporate gig they specialized in divorce law. And suppose you're a trash brain with repressed sexual frustration so your marriage is falling apart. You should feel fine going to your lawyer coworker and asking for help with your divorce right? No. No you wouldn't. Because you're a sexually repressed dbag and you wouldn't feel comfortable having your coworker know what a POS you were to your spouse. Oh look we proved lawyering should be illegal. Ironic.
